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Local Storage write issue nRF52840 Bluefruit Feather Sense #5717




CircuitPython version

Adafruit CircuitPython 7.0.0 on 2021-09-20; Adafruit Feather Bluefruit Sense with nRF52840


"""CircuitPython Essentials Storage logging example"""
import time
import board
import digitalio
import microcontroller
import neopixel
import storage

import array
import math
import audiobusio
import adafruit_apds9960.apds9960
import adafruit_bmp280
import adafruit_lis3mdl
import adafruit_lsm6ds.lsm6ds33
import adafruit_sht31d

from adafruit_ble import BLERadio
from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement
from import UARTService

# We will use the onboard LED to indicate what our code is doing
# We create a reference to the NeoPixel Module called lednp
# From here on, we can access functions associated with the neopixel with lednp

lednp = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1)

# We have set the brightness of the NeoPixel from 0.0 (Off) to 1.0 (Maximum Brightness)
lednp.brightness = 0.3

# Many of the sensors that are on the Feather Sense communicate using I2C
# We will setup the I2C communication with default parameters.
i2c = board.I2C()

# Each sensor is referenced, and will be accessed with I2C
# Although not all sensors are included in the output, they are initialised
apds9960 = adafruit_apds9960.apds9960.APDS9960(i2c)
bmp280 = adafruit_bmp280.Adafruit_BMP280_I2C(i2c)
lis3mdl = adafruit_lis3mdl.LIS3MDL(i2c)
lsm6ds33 = adafruit_lsm6ds.lsm6ds33.LSM6DS33(i2c)
sht31d = adafruit_sht31d.SHT31D(i2c)
#microphone = audiobusio.PDMIn(board.MICROPHONE_CLOCK, board.MICROPHONE_DATA,
#                              sample_rate=16000, bit_depth=16)

# This is a function that will be used to normalise the output of the microphone sensor.
#def normalized_rms(values):
#    minbuf = int(sum(values) / len(values))
#    return int(math.sqrt(sum(float(sample - minbuf) *
#                             (sample - minbuf) for sample in values) / len(values)))

# One of the sensors (APDS9960) can detect proximity and color
#apds9960.enable_proximity = True
#apds9960.enable_color = True

# You will need to change the pressure to match your location
# Set this to sea level pressure in hectoPascals at your location for accurate altitude reading.
bmp280.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25

# the sampleDelay controls how quickly a new set of data is collected
sampleDelay = 0.3
counter = 0

# Depending on what mode you start the microcontroller in, it will either:
# Write to onboard storage
# Transmit data over bluetooth to an iPad

#Mode: Write to onboard storage
#try: except attempts to write to the onboard storage of the microcontroller.
#If the microcontroller can't write, it moves to line 121
    #Open a file to write. There are two parameters:
    #The first, "/data.csv" will save the file as a comma-seperate value file
    #The second, 'w' replaces the file everytime the feather is booted
    with open("/test.lck", "w") as fpTest:
        while True:
            flag = True
                with open("/data.csv", "a") as fp:
                    while flag:

                        # The LED allows you to change the color using (R, G, B) with values of 0 to 255
                        # The code below sets the first LED (LED Zero) to GREEN.
                        lednp[0] = (0,255,0)

                        # Set the variable 'temp' to the temperature collected with the bmp280 sensor
                        # As with the variable 'pres' as presssure
                        # And the variaable 'alt' as altitude
                        temp = bmp280.temperature
                        pres = bmp280.pressure
                        alt = bmp280.altitude

                        # Set the variable 'humid' to the humidity collected with the sht31d sensor
                        humid = sht31d.relative_humidity

                        # The following code outputs comma-seperated values on one line, for example
                        # $,25.43,998.42,124.39,50.4,0.29,-0.12,10
                        # $,temp,pres,alt,humid,x,y,z
                        # temp = temperature in degrees celsius
                        # pres = pressure in hecto pascals
                        # alt = altitude in meters, approximate
                        # humid = humidity as percentage 0-100%
                        # *lsm6ds33.acceleration returns a pointer to the first item in a list with size three
                        # *lsm6ds33.acceleration has a list that looks like (0.2, 0.2, 9.8) with (x, y, z) acceleration
                        # x = acceleration in x in m/s^2
                        # y = acceleration in y in m/s^2
                        # z = acceleration in z in m/s^2
                        counter = counter + 1

                        # Set the LED to off
                        lednp[0] = (0,0,0)

                        # Wait for the sampleDelay before continuining
                        if counter % 10 == 0:
                            flag = False
                            lednp[0] = (255,255,255)
            except OSError:
                lednp[0] = (255,255,0)
            except RuntimeError:
                lednp[0] = (0,255,255)

#Mode: Transmit data over bluetooth to an iPad
# As the microcontroller couldn't write to its onboard memory
# it will instead transmit over bluetooth
except OSError as e:  # Typically when the filesystem isn't writeable...
    delay = 0.5  # ...blink the LED every half second.
    if e.args[0] == 28:  # If the file system is full...
        delay = 0.25  # ...blink the LED faster!

    # until the microcontroller is reset, it will repeat while True
    # We will use Bluetooth to communicate with an iPad
    # setup Bluetooth, we will use UART (a serial connection) to send data
    # we will 'advertise' that UART is available
    ble = BLERadio()
    uart_service = UARTService()
    advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(uart_service)
    while True:
        # Advertise that bluetooth is available

        # wait until a device connects to the microcontroller
        while not ble.connected:

        # stop advertising, as a device has connected to Bluetooth

        # while connected, the microcontroller will send data over bluetooth
        # the below code is very similar to the earlier block of code
        while ble.connected:

            #set the LED to Blue
            lednp[0] = (0,0,255)
            temp = bmp280.temperature
            pres = bmp280.pressure
            alt = bmp280.altitude
            humid = sht31d.relative_humidity

            # Write data over Bluetooth as a string
            # $ is a sentinal, the start of a new line containing sensor values
            # {0:.2f} says to write the first variable in .format as a float to two decimal places
            # {1:.2f} says to write the second variable in .format as a float to two decimal places
            # {2:.2f} etc.
            # .format takes the parameters, variables
            # *lsm6ds33.acceleration returns a pointer to the first item in a list with size three
            # *lsm6ds33.acceleration has a list that looks like (0.2, 0.2, 9.8) with (x, y, z) acceleration
            counter = counter + 1
            uart_service.write("${0},{1:.2f},{2:.2f},{3:.2f},{4:.2f},{5:.2f},{6:.2f},{7:.2f}\n".format(counter, temp,pres,alt,humid,*lsm6ds33.acceleration))

            # wait for half of the delay time, turn the LED off (set all values to zero), and wait for half of the delay time
            lednp[0] = (0,0,0)



Difficult to retrieve error log

write to local storage hangs after approximately 35 'loops; to data.csv
plugging in to USB allows the write to continue

At times, the OSError exception is flagged.


  • only happens when not plugged in to USB
  • can't write continuously to local storage on the nRF52840

Additional information

plugging in to USB allows the write to continue
The following changes were made:

  1. removed flush
  2. added try/catch to remount
  3. added try/catch to close and reopen the file
  4. added a counter to close and reopen the file every ten rows in a csv




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