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Releases: adafruit/circuitpython

CircuitPython Beta 0.8.0

09 Jan 21:10
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This is the first CircuitPython branded release of Adafruit's MicroPython derivative. CircuitPython's goal is to make hardware as simple and easy as possible. We renamed to CircuitPython to avoid confusion with upstream MicroPython. We have also reset the version numbering and will note the upstream version each release is based on.

This release is based on MicroPython v1.8.6.

Differences from upstream MicroPython:

  • Port for Atmel SAMD21 (Commonly known as M0 in product names.)
  • No machine API on Atmel SAMD21 port.
  • Only supports Atmel SAMD21 and ESP8266 ports.
  • Unified hardware API: nativeio, microcontroller, board, bitbangio (Only available on atmel-samd21 and ESP8266 currently.)
  • No module aliasing. (uos and utime are not available as os and time respectively.)
  • Modules with a CPython counterpart, such as time, are strict subsets of their CPython version. Therefore, code from CircuitPython is runnable on CPython but not necessarily the reverse.
  • tick count is available as time.monotonic()
  • os only available as uos
  • atmel-samd21 features
    • RGB status LED
    • Auto-reset after file write over mass storage. (Disable with samd.disable_autoreset())
    • Wait state after boot and main run, before REPL.
    • Main is one of these: code.txt,,, main.txt
    • Boot is one of these: settings.txt,,, boot.txt

v1.8.5-20161020 Release

20 Oct 23:36
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This is a second beta release of Adafruit MicroPython firmware. Changes include:

  • Sync with upstream micropython/master v1.8.5 code.
  • Documentation improvements to support automated doc generation from code.
  • urandom pseudo-random number generation module enabled.
  • framebuf framebuffer module enabled.
  • SSD1306 driver removed and put in separate GitHub repository (also fixed to work with hardware I2C interfaces):
  • feather_m0_adalogger board definition added based on feather_m0_basic. Future work coming to support the SD card with SPI, etc.

See this guide to learn how to load and use the firmware:

First Beta Release

14 Oct 20:28
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First Beta Release Pre-release

This is the first beta release of MicroPython support for Adafruit educational development boards. All APIs are in flux so expect some things to change in the future.

  • Supports Arduino Zero
  • Basic support for all Feather M0s through the feather_m0_basic firmware.
  • Supports ADC, DAC, I2C and SPI through machine. (Soon to change)
  • Supports REPL over USB.
  • Runs and from internal flash on reset.
  • Loading to internal flash supported via Mass Storage over USB. Make sure to eject and do not write to the file system from Python at the same time.

To use, load using bossac when the board's bootloader is active (double click to activate):

bossac_osx -e -w -v -b -R adafruit-micropython-feather_m0_basic-1.8.4-20161014.bin


03 Sep 00:46
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v1.8.3-62-g09be96a Pre-release

Add basic file system support.

>>> import os
>>> os.listdir()
['', 'README.txt', '']

See here for flashing instructions. These releases support SAMD21x18 boards including the Arduino Zero (available from Adafruit) and Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE.


31 Aug 21:10
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v1.8.3-61-g559434a Pre-release

This is the second pre-release of MicroPython for SAMD21x18 boards including the Arduino Zero (available from Adafruit) and Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE.

It adds float support! So, time.sleep(0.5) works.

See here for flashing instructions.


31 Aug 17:14
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v1.8.3-59-g1725710 Pre-release

This is the first pre-release of MicroPython for SAMD21x18 boards including the Arduino Zero (available from Adafruit) and Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE.

See here for flashing instructions.

This first pre-release supports REPL over USB (native USB for the Arduino Zero), digital IO, time, and analog IO.

Here is how to flash an LED. Type in each line separately and make sure to match the indentation.

import machine
import time
led = machine.Pin("D13", machine.Pin.OUT)
for i in range(100):
    led.value(i % 2 == 0)

After typing the last line you will get another indented line, simply hit backspace to delete the indentation and hit enter to start the flashing.