When running in vercel, with node 22 there seems to be an issue launching puppeteer and the embedded chrome browser:
[22:45:24.540] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1
[22:45:24.640] Cloning (Branch: main, Commit: ec240f6)
[22:45:26.223] Cloning completed: 1.586s
[22:45:26.223] Running "echo VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF=$VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF; if [ "$VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF" == "gh-pages" ]; then echo "Skipping build" && exit 0; else echo "Continuing build!" && exit 1; fi; "
[22:45:26.249] VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF=main
[22:45:26.249] Continuing build!
[22:45:28.699] Restored build cache from previous deployment (FMKo7DBf6zPYpzEWJ4Ras1V6vunh)
[22:45:28.774] Running "vercel build"
[22:45:29.202] Vercel CLI 39.1.1
[22:45:29.906] Installing dependencies...
[22:45:33.344] npm warn deprecated [email protected]: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported
[22:45:33.766] npm warn deprecated [email protected]: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
[22:45:34.995] added 74 packages, removed 373 packages, and changed 122 packages in 5s
[22:45:36.356] Running critical css generation
[22:45:36.357] Starting critical-css
[22:45:38.070] �[31mError: �[39mFailed to launch the browser process!
[22:45:38.070] /vercel/path0/node_modules/puppeteer/.local-chromium/linux-722234/chrome-linux/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[22:45:38.071] TROUBLESHOOTING:
[22:45:38.071] Usage: critical <input> [<option>]
[22:45:38.071] Options:
[22:45:38.071] -b, --base Your base directory
[22:45:38.071] -c, --css Your CSS Files (optional)
[22:45:38.071] -w, --width Viewport width
[22:45:38.071] -h, --height Viewport height
[22:45:38.071] -i, --inline Generate the HTML with inlined critical-path CSS
[22:45:38.072] -e, --extract Extract inlined styles from referenced stylesheets
[22:45:38.072] --inlineImages Inline images
[22:45:38.072] --dimensions Pass dimensions e.g. 1300x900
[22:45:38.072] --ignore RegExp, @type or selector to ignore
[22:45:38.072] --ignore-[OPTION] Pass options to postcss-discard. See
[22:45:38.072] --ignoreInlinedStyles Ignore inlined stylesheets
[22:45:38.072] --include RegExp, @type or selector to include
[22:45:38.072] --include-[OPTION] Pass options to inline-critical. See
[22:45:38.072] --assetPaths Directories/Urls where the inliner should start looking for assets
[22:45:38.072] --user RFC2617 basic authorization user
[22:45:38.072] --pass RFC2617 basic authorization password
[22:45:38.072] --penthouse-[OPTION] Pass options to penthouse. See
[22:45:38.072] --ua, --userAgent User agent to use when fetching remote src
[22:45:38.073] --strict Throw an error on css parsing errors or if no css is found
[22:45:38.080] Done running critical-css
[22:45:38.081] Done running
[22:45:38.176] Build Completed in /vercel/output [8s]
[22:45:38.289] Deploying outputs...
[22:45:40.703] Deployment completed
[22:45:49.455] Uploading build cache [135.05 MB]...
[22:45:50.901] Build cache uploaded: 1.445s
I'm not sure that it's an issue with the library itself but with vercel environment, as referenced in other places (
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