Rule Editor and "is submitted successfully" event on "FORM" #1283
Expected Behaviour
I expect to be able to create a container level rule via the rule editor, particularly when a form is successfully submitted.
Actual Behaviour
The rule editor cannot be invoked on the form container. When you enter the rule editor via a different component and select "FORM", making changes fail.
Steps to Reproduce
Navigate to a form based on af core components, enter the rule editor and try to create a rule at the "FORM" level with the event of "is submitted successfully", click done and view the console.
Platform and Version
Core Components Version: 2.24.2
Core Form Components: 1.1.32
AEM Version (mention the exact version in case of cloud SDK)
AEM Forms Version
Sample Code that illustrates the problem
Logs taken while reproducing problem
When you get into the rule editor and configure a rule on the form container, when clicking done, you see the following error in the console:
authoring.min.js:516 Uncaught
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')
at authoring.min.js:516:33
at lodash.min.js:55:41
at wa (lodash.min.js:36:14)
at lodash.min.js:54:347
at (lodash.min.js:77:7)
at preparePostData (authoring.min.js:506:15)
at saveScript (authoring.min.js:573:24)
at authoring.min.js:442:9
at Object.saveModel (authoring.min.js:605:60)
at Object.saveHandler (authoring.min.js:1186:69)
After further investigation, the event being invoked is as follows:
"Successful Submission": {
"content": [
But when we take a look at the clientlib, /libs/fd/af-expeditor/clientlibs/authoring/js/RuleSaveHandler.js
, we see "Successful Submission" missing from the eventMapping
const AFStorageSettings = {
AF1 : {
copyright: true,
saveScripts: false,
eventMapping: RuntimeUtil.EVENT_PROPERTY_MAPPING,
deleteLegacyProperties : true,
multipleEvents : false,
saveValidationStatus: false
AF2 : {
copyright: false,
saveScripts: true,
multipleEvents : true,
eventMapping: {
'Visibility' : 'visible',
'Calculate' : 'value',
"Enabled" : "enabled",
'Value Commit' : 'event:change',
'Initialize' : 'event:initialize',
'Click' : 'event:click',
'Validate' : 'validationExpression'
With the mapping missing, the following code (starting on line 122) causes "name" to be undefined causing the error and preventing the rule from being processed.
if (storageSettings.saveScripts) {
_.each(allEvents, function (script, evntName) {
let name;
if (storageSettings.multipleEvents && evntName.startsWith('custom:')) {
name = "event:custom_" + evntName.substring('custom:'.length)
} else {
name = storageSettings.eventMapping[evntName]