Releases: adobe/aem-core-forms-components
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-1.1.46
What's Changed
- Added condition on description and error message in aria-describedby by @pavi41 in #1192
- FORMS-12203: Added localization changes and test cases by @shivangimittal791 in #1152
- FORMS-12822 : format should not be visible when no pattern is selected by @AnurudraS in #1195
- FORMS-13851 Support for language in date picker and number input by @rismehta in #1169
- FORMS-12822 : format should not be visible when no pattern is selected by @AnurudraS in #1196
- FORMS-14013 - Fixing Dropdown that had a selected value without default/placeholder set by @TalmizAhmed in #1199
- FORMS-13209 - Added support for form submission handlers and corrected submit() rule in examples by @arunattri26 in #1191
- FORMS-13935 update examples for by @barshat7 in #1204
- FORMS-14013 - Testcase added - Fixing Dropdown that had a selected value without default/placeholder set by @TalmizAhmed in #1203
- Forms 11746 allow attaching same file by @rajatofficial in #1201
- Read-only is not working in file-attachment by @pavi41 in #1200
- Readonly & Disable were not working in TNC component by @pavi41 in #1211
- FORMS-14018 - Fix for dropdown not working when enumNames are not provided by @TalmizAhmed in #1210
- FORMS-13811 | Adding rendition for hCaptcha by @navneet-ag in #1174
- [FORMS-11581] Enabled Draft functionality for V2 by @girotraapankaj in #1209
- adding source property in sling model of image component to get dam asset path in headless json by @deepprakash345 in #1198
- eds semantic html without a separate selector by @deepprakash345 in #1194
- add data-cmp-valid attribute for checkboxgroup and radiobutton by @barshat7 in #1225
- Exclude from DoR is not working for text field by @devgurjar in #1226
- Acc/space remove two by @pavi41 in #1228
- FORMS-14313 Direct children of fragment is not responsive by @dmaurya929 in #1227
- removing only in radio button test by @barshat7 in #1232
- Moving to 16145 aem release by @rismehta in #1233
- FORMS-14305 Issues with AEM Forms Date Picker field behaviors. by @sakshi-arora1 in #1235
- custom function edge delivery integration by @deepprakash345 in #1223
- FORMS-14461 Reset resets static text. by @sakshi-arora1 in #1239
- FORMS-14125: Exposed all spec function in globals, updated af2-web-ru… by @arunattri26 in #1244
- Form fragment support in Universal Editor by @nit23uec in #1245
- UE: Supporting custom viewType in sling models by @TalmizAhmed in #1247
- FORMS-14622 AEM Adaptive forms: Panel Component issue with Radio Button component. by @sakshi-arora1 in #1248
- FORMS-14673 fixed radio button rich text rendition by @im-shiv in #1252
- Dev to master 28may by @deepprakash345 in #1253
- FORMS-14545 Adding custom submit test behind FT by @rismehta in #1251
- reCAPTCHA enterprise support by @navneet-ag in #1250
- adding custom function registration in try/catch..... by @deepprakash345 in #1255
- Dev to master 30 may24 by @deepprakash345 in #1256
- FORMS-14701 removing widget value before initialisation by @im-shiv in #1254
- FORMS-14580 | Retiring FT-FORMS-8771 by @navneet-ag in #1258
- Encode formDefinition with jsonString context by @TalmizAhmed in #1242
- Sync dev to master by @TalmizAhmed in #1260
- @trivial handling error if site component is adapted to resource by @rismehta in #1262
- Accessibility changes in file-input by @pavi41 in #1246
- FORMS-13935 adding icons for new components by @barshat7 in #1265
- Dev to master 11 june by @barshat7 in #1268
- made changes in getId method where currentPage is null in case of resource adaptation by @deepprakash345 in #1269
- Fixing minimum and maximum date by setting explicit save timezone by @rismehta in #1270
- thank you msg overriding and role main adding by @rajatofficial in #1222
- UE: Encoding HTML in Tooltip and Description using XSSAPI by @TalmizAhmed in #1267
- Move core component to 0.14.0 spec version | RTC approved by @navneet-ag in #1277
- Test case to reduce enum after enum gets initialized by @rismehta in #1280
- FORMS-15116 Load coral library only in authoring by @rismehta in #1284
- FORMS-15098 | Adding e2e test cases for captcha failure by @navneet-ag in #1282
- FORMS-15088: skip submit error handler test-cases by @arunattri26 in #1289
- FORMS-11775 Fixing issues related to edit pattern in date picker by @rismehta in #1286
- Fixing enum and enumNames during initialize by @rismehta in #1288
- updating af-core version by @rismehta in #1291
- FORMS-15088: fix rule editor submit error handler tests by @arunattri26 in #1287
- UE: Custom property support for Universal Editor by @TalmizAhmed in #1264
New Contributors
- @shivangimittal791 made their first contribution in #1152
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-1.1.40...core-forms-components-reactor-1.1.46
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.44
What's Changed
- FORMS-14275 Embed config override tests apply by @rajatofficial in #1294
- fix(eds): json encoding breaks form in eds by @nit23uec in #1296
- Improving date picker test case as per customer use-case by @rismehta in #1299
- FORMS-14687 Fixing initialization of tabsontop runtime by @rismehta in #1298
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.40...core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.44
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.40
What's Changed
- Fixing RUM related test case including visitorId change by @subodh2711 in #1279
- Move core component to 0.14.0 spec version | RTC approved by @navneet-ag in #1277
- Test case to reduce enum after enum gets initialized by @rismehta in #1280
- FORMS-15116 Load coral library only in authoring by @rismehta in #1284
- FORMS-15098 | Adding e2e test cases for captcha failure by @navneet-ag in #1282
- FORMS-11775 Fixing issues related to edit pattern in date picker by @rismehta in #1286
- Fixing enum and enumNames during initialize by @rismehta in #1288
- updating af-core version by @rismehta in #1291
- UE: Custom property support for Universal Editor by @TalmizAhmed in #1264
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.34...core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.40
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.34
What's Changed
- made changes in getId method where currentPage is null in case of resource adaptation by @deepprakash345 in #1269
- Fixing minimum and maximum date by setting explicit save timezone by @rismehta in #1270
- thank you msg overriding and role main adding by @rajatkhurana-adobe in #1222
- UE: Encoding HTML in Tooltip and Description using XSSAPI by @TalmizAhmed in #1267
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.32...core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.34
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.32
What's Changed
- handling error if site component is adapted to resource by @rismehta in #1262
- Accessibility changes in file-input by @pavi41 in #1246
- adding icons for new components by @barshat7 in #1265
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.30...core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.32
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.30
What's Changed
- [FORMS-14701] Fixing Adaptive Form Number Input Validation Issue
- Retiring FT-FORMS-8771
- Encode formDefinition with jsonString context
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.28...core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.30
Known issues
- In the case of DOR, if multiple checkboxes are selected in the form, only one of those checkbox will go as submitted.
- The form is being submitted even after captcha validation fails.
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.28
What's Changed
- Introduced support for reCAPTCHA Enterprise.
- Added custom function registration wrapped in a try/catch block to enhance error handling.
- Fixed an issue with the rich text rendition of radio buttons.
- Added a custom submit test feature behind a feature toggle.
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.26...core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.28
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.26
What's Changed
- FORMS-14313 Direct children of fragment is not responsive by @dmaurya929 in #1227
- CM build is failing as 2.24.4 version is not available by @barshat7 in #1230
- removing only in radio button test by @barshat7 in #1232
- Moving to 16145 aem release by @rismehta in #1233
- Moving to latest sites rotary aem image by @rismehta in #1240
- FORMS-13981 - Encode formDefinition with jsonString context by @TalmizAhmed in #1236
- Revert "FORMS-13981 - Encode formDefinition with jsonString context" by @TalmizAhmed in #1241
- FORMS-14305 Issues with AEM Forms Date Picker field behaviors. by @sakshi-arora1 in #1235
- custom function edge delivery integration by @deepprakash345 in #1223
- FORMS-14461 Reset resets static text. by @sakshi-arora1 in #1239
- FORMS-14125: Exposed all spec function in globals, updated af2-web-ru… by @arunattri26 in #1244
- Form fragment support in Universal Editor by @nit23uec in #1245
- UE: Supporting custom viewType in sling models by @TalmizAhmed in #1247
- FORMS-14622 AEM Adaptive forms: Panel Component issue with Radio Button component. by @sakshi-arora1 in #1248
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.24...core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.26
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.24
What's Changed
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.22...core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.24
Known Issues
- The submit success handler fails when the form is submitted using the Adaptive Form Embed component in non-iframe mode.
Release notes for version core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.22
What's Changed
- Added condition on description and error message in aria-describedby by @pavi41 in #1192
- FORMS-12203: Added localization changes and test cases by @shivangimittal791 in #1152
- FORMS-13851 Support for language in date picker and number input by @rismehta in #1169
- FORMS-12822 : format should not be visible when no pattern is selected by @AnurudraS in #1196
- FORMS-14013 - Fixing Dropdown that had a selected value without default/placeholder set by @TalmizAhmed in #1199
- FORMS-13209 - Added support for form submission handlers and corrected submit() rule in examples by @arunattri26 in #1191
- FORMS-13935 update examples for by @barshat7 in #1204
- FORMS-14013 - Testcase added - Fixing Dropdown that had a selected value without default/placeholder set by @TalmizAhmed in #1203
- Forms 11746 allow attaching same file by @rajatofficial in #1201
- Read-only is not working in file-attachment by @pavi41 in #1200
- Readonly & Disable were not working in TNC component by @pavi41 in #1211
- FORMS-14018 - Fix for dropdown not working when enumNames are not provided by @TalmizAhmed in #1210
- Moving to 15860 image by @rismehta in #1212
- FORMS-13811 | Adding rendition for hCaptcha by @navneet-ag in #1174
- [FORMS-11581] Enabled Draft functionality for V2 by @girotraapankaj in #1209
- adding source property in sling model of image component to get dam asset path in headless json by @deepprakash345 in #1198
- eds semantic html without a separate selector by @deepprakash345 in #1194
- add data-cmp-valid attribute for checkboxgroup and radiobutton by @barshat7 in #1225
- Exclude from DoR is not working for text field by @devgurjar in #1226
- Acc/space remove two by @pavi41 in #1228
- Devtomaster 9 may 2024 by @barshat7 in #1229
New Contributors
- @shivangimittal791 made their first contribution in #1152
Full Changelog: core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.20...core-forms-components-reactor-3.0.22
Known Issues
- The submit success handler fails when the form is submitted using the Adaptive Form Embed component in non-iframe mode.