Releases: adobe/aem-core-wcm-components
Core WCM Components 2.23.4
What's Changed
- SITES-15835 - httpclient-osgi dependency change by @edoardo-goracci in #2585
- SITES-15109 - RFH - Applying Async in clientlibraries not working on customer instance by @LSantha in #2570 , issue #1808
- SITES-15335 - handle id empty values input by @cbogdan0707 in #2571
- SITES-15031 - [Regression] Encoded URL is decoded unintentionally and the URL doesn't work by @cristic83 #2564
Full Changelog: core.wcm.components.reactor-2.23.2...core.wcm.components.reactor-2.23.4
Core WCM Components 2.23.2
What's Changed
- SITES-12764 - [Image] Support for relative crop coordinates by @bpauli in #2518
- SITES-14355 - CISCO | Teaser core component - Smart crop issues by @LSantha in #2537
- SITES-14313 - Link to specific pages in PDF not working anymore by @cbogdan0707 in #2542
- SITES-13771 - Content Fragment List component : Property Name is getting displayed to users rather than Field Label by @HollywoodTonight in #2546
- SITES-13898 - [AEMaaCS] The Accordion/Carousel/Tabs Component cannot delete dialog item after moving by @myronenko in #2547
- SITES-14361 - List component added to template structure shows wrong images by @LSantha in #2543
- SITES-13120 - Image Smart Crop support for remote assets in various Sites core components by @indra2gurjar in #2524
- SITES-13777 - Allow text field dialogs for browser default spell check by @myronenko in #2553
Full Changelog: core.wcm.components.reactor-2.23.0...core.wcm.components.reactor-2.23.2
Core WCM Components 2.23.0
What's Changed
- SITES-11947 - [Sites Polaris Picker][Editor] Image Component support for Polaris assets by @LSantha in #2481
Full Changelog: core.wcm.components.reactor-2.22.12...core.wcm.components.reactor-2.23.0
Core WCM Components 2.22.12
Core Components 2.22.10
Core Components 2.22.8
Core Components 2.22.6
This patch release fixes a regression in the container component.
Core Components 2.22.4
This patch release fixes an issue in Content Fragement List
#2396 Not able to use number element for ordering a content fragment list.
Core Components 2.22.2
Maintenance release that addresses two issues discovered in 2.22.0:
- [Image] revert uri change for dm images in v3
- URLs with escaped characters are being removed by XSS because of decoding during link building
See the 2.22.2 milestone for more details.
Core Team
Burkhard Pauli, Mirko Sagolj, Jean-Christophe Kautzmann, Vlad Bailescu, Chris Bohnert, Gabriel Walt, Dirk Rudolph, Levente Sántha
Core Components 2.21.4
- [PDF Viewer] Update legacy PDF viewer to new PDF library (#2402)
Full Changelog: core.wcm.components.reactor-2.21.2...core.wcm.components.reactor-2.21.4