Describe the bug
while using adobe-react-editable-components package's ResponsiveGrid module in remote-spa headless application, All components on the pages are re-rendering even though there is a change of props in one component from the initial pageProps.
Package version
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
consider below json for initially rendering the page
"responsivegrid": {
":items": {
"component_1": {
"componentId": "cmp1",
"path": "/content/page/jcr:content/root/responsivegrid/component_1",
":type": "aem-page/components/content/component1",
"header": "header"
"component_2": {
"componentId": "cmp2",
"headerText": "Deals with Appeal",
"ctaLabel": "View More",
"path": "/content/page/jcr:content/root/responsivegrid/component2",
":type": "aem-page/components/offers-cards",
"subHeaderText": "sub header"
"allowedComponents": {
"components": [],
"applicable": false
":type": "wcm/foundation/components/responsivegrid",
":itemsOrder": [
"gridClassNames": "aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12",
"columnCount": 12
- for the initial rendering, passing above props will render both components for the 1st time.
2.Then if the data changes for component_2 from below json example, ideally it should re-render the component_2 only, but with current version of package it re-renders all the components in responsivegrid json.
updated json:
"responsivegrid": {
":items": {
"component_1": {
"componentId": "cmp1",
"path": "/content/page/jcr:content/root/responsivegrid/component_1",
":type": "aem-page/components/content/component1",
"header": "header"
"component_2": {
"componentId": "cmp2",
"headerText": "Deals with Appeal",
"ctaLabel": "View More",
"path": "/content/page/jcr:content/root/responsivegrid/component2",
":type": "aem-page/components/component1",
"subHeaderText": "**Latest sub header**"
"allowedComponents": {
"components": [],
"applicable": false
":type": "wcm/foundation/components/responsivegrid",
":itemsOrder": [
"gridClassNames": "aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12",
"columnCount": 12
Expected behavior
Only component_2 with change in props should re-render, not all components in the json