Provide a general summary of the issue here
I have a Popover with a Dialog that contains a RadioButtonGroup and CheckboxGroup. I can tab between the two groups, where the check boxes tab individually but I've read that is expected, but as soon as I use the arrow keys in the RadioGroup, tabbing does not exit the checkbox group and the user gets stuck.
🤔 Expected Behavior?
The tabbing should cycle back through including the radiogroup
😯 Current Behavior
Tabbing does not exit the checkbox group and the user gets stuck.
💁 Possible Solution
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🔦 Context
I'm testing this within storybook
🖥️ Steps to Reproduce
- open the popover
- tab through the 3 items until you are back on the radio group
- then use the arrow keys to go down on the radios
- then tab into the checkboxes and you can't leave them
I'm having trouble making the items in the sandbox look correct but the general idea is that you open the dialog and try to tab around. I'm not sure why the checkboxes and radios aren't showing properly.
rac 1.3.1
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
Chrome, Safari
If other, please specify.
I don't have the other browsers to test on
What operating system are you using?
mac os 14
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