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Hi, I found the issue about useToast
(in React Aria) and Toast
component (in React Spectrum).
I'm not so skilled about a11y, so if there is any mistake I'd like you to let me know.
Currently useToast
returns alertdialog
role as toastProps
, but this is not ideal.
In ARIA: alertdialog role - Accessibility | MDN, there are such explanations.
The alertdialog role is used to notify users of urgent information that demands the user's immediate attention.
Because of its urgent nature, interrupting the user's workflow, alert dialogs must always be modal.
But it seems that useToast
is intended to be used for more casual usage and Toast component is not modal, so I think we should not use alertdialog
role for useToast
And Taking a look at Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1 - alertdialog, there is the same explanation.
Content authors SHOULD make alert dialogs modal by ensuring that, while the alertdialog is shown, keyboard and mouse interactions only operate within the dialog. See aria-modal.
In Chakra-UI, Toast has status
and also in Vercel, Toast has status
role (I was not able to source code).
So I think it is good to use status
role and remove alertdialog
role, and also we should be cautious to pass alert
as contentProps
(because it is also used for important, and time-sensitive information, MDN says).
ARIA: status role - Accessibility | MDN
ARIA: alert role - Accessibility | MDN
And I found another one issue that alertdialog
element should have aria-describedby
but at least the demo in our document useToeast – React Aria and Toast – React Spectrum, accessible description is not provided for alertdialog
The alert dialog text must have an accessible description using aria-describedby.
Authors SHOULD use aria-describedby on an alertdialog to reference the alert message element in the dialog.
Thank you for reading this feedback, I'm happy if you will consider about it.
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