The text label for the button component does not vertically align correctly. Whenever I apply Spectrum CSS, either to a plane div or an Aria button, the text is always a little lower than it ought to be. Surprisingly, the React Spectrum button renders the text at the correct alignment. See screenshot below.
Steps to reproduce
- I have created a stackblitz for it that will show the problem on any computer. Feel free fork it and make changes as desired.
- Be sure to zoom in. The discrepancy may not be clearly visible on all screen sizes.
Expected behavior
The button, created by following directions on Spectrum-CSS website, should have its text be vertically aligned. Similar to the way React Spectrum button appears.
Button to the left was generated using spectrum-css, the middle one was generated using Adobe React Aria with spectrum-css style applied. The one to the right was generated using Adobe React Spectrum. The linked stackblitz code above demos all 3 of them.
Fonts are the same in all cases. The difference is ever so small. But it it clearly visible.
Tested on the latest Firefox, Edge and Chrome on Windows. And also using Chrome on Mac. The difference on Mac is less pronounced, but is there when measured with a tool.