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Releases: adobe/spectrum-css

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

27 Feb 18:36
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Patch Changes

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

27 Feb 17:31
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Patch Changes

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

27 Feb 18:36
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Patch Changes

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

27 Feb 18:36
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Patch Changes

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

27 Feb 18:36
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Major Changes

  • #3557 c6836fb Thanks @cdransf! - # S2 divider migration

    This migrates the divider component to S2. Custom properties have been remapped and updated per the design spec.

    New properties


    New mods


    Removed mods



    This adds new minimum width and height tokens for the divider and the minDimensionValues arg has been removed in favor of these tokens and the rules with which they're applied.

    The default size for the Storybook control has been changed to medium (the new default size for the component). All sizes are now displayed for the static color variants in the docs.

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

27 Feb 18:36
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Patch Changes

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

27 Feb 18:36
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Major Changes

  • #3390 b9f61e4 Thanks @cdransf! - # colorwheel S2 migration

    This change migrates the colorwheel component to S2. It adds the --spectrum-colorwheel-border-color-rgb and --spectrum-colorwheel-border-opacity custom properties. It updates --spectrum-colorwheel-border-color to leverage these tokens in an rgba(...) function.

    This removes the spectrum-ColorWheel-border and associated template DOM node as the outside/underlying border are no longer present in the S2 designs. ::before and ::after pseudo elements are now used to draw the exterior and interior borders that overlay the exterior and interior edges of the color wheel.

    Support is provided for the 240px and 192px sizes outlined in the design requirements.

    The forced-colors media query has been moved to the bottom of the file consistent with our other component implementations.

    Stories, tests and documentation have been updated to be consistent with these changes.

    The following mods have been removed:


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

27 Feb 18:36
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Patch Changes

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

27 Feb 18:36
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Patch Changes

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

@spectrum-css/[email protected]

24 Feb 22:58
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Major Changes

  • #2352 a25e0a9 Thanks @pfulton! - # Breaking change

    Iconography in v1 inclued 2 sizes, medium and large, as well as a single SVG asset that included both versions to be toggled with classes via CSS (found in foldercombined). Icons in v2 no longer have multiple sizes and all assets are sourced from a single foldersvg which can be found in the dist directory of this workspace. Raw SVG assets can no longer be sourced from the top-level of the workspace and must be loaded from @spectrum-css/ui-icons/dist/svg/*.svg instead. Please find below an outline of the new, deprecated, and unchanged icons.

    Icon name Migration notes
    Arrow75 Deprecated
    Arrow100 -
    Arrow200 Deprecated
    Arrow300 Deprecated
    Arrow400 -
    Arrow500 Deprecated
    Arrow600 Deprecated
    Asterisk75 Deprecated
    Asterisk100 -
    Asterisk200 -
    Asterisk300 -
    Checkmark50 -
    Checkmark75 -
    Checkmark100 -
    Checkmark200 -
    Checkmark300 -
    Checkmark400 -
    Checkmark500 Deprecated
    Checkmark600 Deprecated
    Chevron50 -
    Chevron75 -
    Chevron100 -
    Chevron200 -
    Chevron300 -
    Chevron400 -
    Chevron500 Deprecated
    Chevron600 Deprecated
    CornerTriangle75 -
    CornerTriangle100 -
    CornerTriangle200 -
    CornerTriangle300 -
    Cross75 -
    Cross100 -
    Cross200 -
    Cross300 -
    Cross400 -
    Cross500 -
    Cross600 -
    Dash50 -
    Dash75 -
    Dash100 -
    Dash200 -
    Dash300 -
    Dash400 Deprecated
    Dash500 Deprecated
    Dash600 Deprecated
    SingleGripper Deprecated
    DoubleGripper Deprecated
    TripleGripper Deprecated