Current url of deployed static site:

First, checkout the source code
git clone [email protected]:adobe/spectrum-tokens.git
Navigate into the spectrum-token-visualization-tool directory.
cd spectrum-tokens/docs/visualizer/
Install package dependencies
pnpm install
Startup the local development webserver
pnpm moon run visualizer:dev
Now you can edit any project files, and your browser will hot-reload with your changes.
This project is based on the Vite Lit Element Typescript boilerplate static site tooling.
You can read all about Vite here:
You can read all about Lit Element here:
LOCAL DEVELOPMENT NOTE Because we use web workers to offload some of the data processing, local development must be done in a browser that supports Worker Ecmascript Modules: In other words, you can use Chrome or Safari, but NOT Firefox ( as of 12.15.2022 ). This note applies ONLY to the local development webserver. Firefox does work correctly with the built static site.
The static site is hosted from the /docs
directory of the main
Build the static site locally. This will overwrite the contents of the /docs directory in the project.
pnpm moon run visualizer:build
Commit the updated static site files to the git repo.
git add .
git commit -m 'description of changes'
git push
The Spectrum Tokens source-of-truth is persisted in this public GitHub repo:
Within that repository, the tokens are stored in a series of JSON files:
This json data structure models a directed graph of conditional relationships between tokens, meant to represent the dynamic value assignments that Spectrum clients have access to when using particular filter configurations, such as 'Spectrum/Light/Desktop' or 'Express/Darkest/Mobile'.
This tool is a static site single page application that...
- Loads all of these JSON files via XHR requests at runtime
- Converts the token data into a formal node graph
- Has nodes representing Spectrum Tokens, Spectrum Components, and Spectrum Token Categories
- Has adjacencies between nodes derived from the source JSON files
- Renders a dynamic node graph view with zooming and panning
- Permits the user to simultaneously view any set of adjacency/value filters. eg.'Spectrum/Light/Desktop' or 'Express/Light/Dark/Darkest/Desktop/Mobile'
- Permits the user to select any combination of Components, Tokens, and Token Categories
- Permits the user to search for Components, Tokens, and Token Categories by substring OR value
- Displays the expanded Ancestor and Descendent graphs of all selected nodes
- Highlights the connecting token paths between selections
- Highlights the common tokens within overlapping selection descendent graphs