根据高德纳的说法, 马尔文·康威于1958年发明了术语“coroutine”并用于构建汇编程序,关于协程最初的出版解说在1963年发表。1
协程与纤程大致一样,主要区别在于跟调度器的关系。参考 C++ 的 Boost 库,有 Coroutine 和 Fiber 两种实现。 再参考这篇 2014 年写的 Programming Language C++, SG1 N4024。
Of course it would be possible to implement coroutines on top of fibers instead. But the concepts map more neatly to implementing fibers in terms of coroutines. The corresponding operations are: • a coroutine yields; • a fiber blocks. When a coroutine yields, it passes control directly to its caller (or, in the case of symmetric coroutines, a designated other coroutine). When a fiber blocks, it implicitly passes control to the fiber scheduler. Coroutines have no scheduler because they need no scheduler.