A theme for delta.
Copy below codes to your gitconfig.
navigate = true
features = adoyle-dark
side-by-side = true
[delta "adoyle-dark"]
dark = true
syntax-theme = Solarized (dark)
hyperlinks = false
tabs = 2
# For diff
keep-plus-minus-markers = false
commit-decoration-style = "#ffd21a" ul ol
commit-style = "#ffd21a" bold
file-decoration-style = "#1688f0" ol
file-style = "#1688f0" bold italic
file-added-label = [A]
file-copied-label = [C]
file-modified-label = [M]
file-removed-label = [D]
file-renamed-label = [R]
hunk-header-decoration-style = "#1688f0" box ul
hunk-header-file-style = "#ABAFB5"
hunk-header-line-number-style = "#B696DB"
hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax
line-numbers = true
line-numbers-left-format = " {nm:^1} "
line-numbers-right-format = "{np:^1} "
line-numbers-zero-style = "#474D53" "#0e0e11"
line-numbers-left-style = "#474D53" "#0e0e11"
line-numbers-right-style = "#474D53" "#0e0e11"
line-numbers-minus-style = "#D01A00" "#0e0e11"
line-numbers-plus-style = "#18c92d" "#0e0e11"
minus-emph-style = syntax "#780000"
minus-style = syntax "#220708"
plus-emph-style = syntax "#104f10"
plus-style = syntax "#0a1c07"
whitespace-error-style = magenta reverse
zero-style = syntax
# For blame
blame-format = "{timestamp:<15} {author:<14} {commit:<8} "
blame-palette = "#050505" "#151515"
blame-separator-format = "│{n:^4}"
# For grep
grep-file-style = "#1688f0" bold italic ul
grep-match-line-style = raw
grep-context-line-style = grey
grep-match-word-style = red
navigate = true
features = adoyle-dark
side-by-side = true
navigate = true
features = adoyle-dark
side-by-side = false
Copyright 2024 ADoyle ([email protected]). Some Rights Reserved. The project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause License.
Read the LICENSE file for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Read the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.