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Poi Standard Library

The Poi knowledge format is compatible with markdown text files:

  • Must start with # (markdown title)
  • A code block must use 3 backticks and poi
  • Rules are seperated by ;.


A definition uses the syntax <sym> := <expr>.

Definitions can be inlined under theorem proving in Poi Reduce with inline all. Under evaluation, definitions are always inlined. See help for more information.

false1 := false;
not := if(false)(true);
idb := if(true)(false);
true1 := true;
and := if(if(true)(false))(false);
or := if(true)(if(true)(false));
eqb := if(if(true)(false))(if(false)(true));
xor := if(if(false)(true))(if(true)(false));
nand := if(if(false)(true))(true);
not := if(false)(if(false)(true));
exc := if(if(false)(true))(false);
imply := if(if(true)(false))(true);
fstb := if(true)(false);
sndb := if(if(true)(false))(if(true)(false));


A reduction uses the syntax <pat> => <expr>.

The pattern binds variables on the left side and synthesizes the expression on the right side.

There is a trade-off between reductions and equivalences. Reductions are used to simplify automated theorem proving.

Generic normalization

Poi uses maximum function currying as standard form, because there are many ways of calling functions. This makes it easier to design rules that work in general.

Algebraic expressions, e.g. 2 + 3, uses standard form behind the scenes.

Normalization of tuple arguments and domain constraints:

x((y, z..)) => x(y)(z);
x{(y, z..)} => x{y}{z};


x{y}{z}(a)(b) => x{y}(a){z}(b);
(g, f)((y, z..)) => (g(y)(z), f(y)(z));

Concrete application and composition:

\x(_) => x;
\x · _ => x;


dup(x) => (x, x);


The if in Poi takes two arguments if(a, b). It returns a when condition is true, and returns b when condition is false.

if(x)(_)(true) => x;
if(_)(x)(false) => x;
if(x)(_){_}(true) => x;
if(_)(x){_}(false) => x;


Quaternions are lifted to a typed vector, in order to avoid combinatorial explosion in rules.

Conversion/lifting rules:

𝐢₂ => [0, 0, 1, 0] : quat;
𝐢₃ => [0, 0, 0, 1] : quat;
(𝐢 * (x : quat)) => ([0, 1, 0, 0] * x) : quat;
((x : quat) * 𝐢) => (x * [0, 1, 0, 0]) : quat;
((x * 𝐢) * (y : quat)) => (x * (𝐢 * (y : quat)));

((x : quat) * 𝐢) => ((x : quat) * (𝐢 : quat));
(𝐢 + (x : quat)) => ([0, 1, 0, 0] + x) : quat;
((x : quat) + 𝐢) => (x + [0, 1, 0, 0]) : quat;
((x : quat) * 𝐢₂) => (x * [0, 0, 1, 0]) : quat;
((x : quat) * 𝐢₃) => (x * [0, 0, 0, 1]) : quat;
((x : quat) + (y * 𝐢)) => (x + [0, y, 0, 0]) : quat;
(x * 𝐢 + (y : quat)) => ([0, x, 0, 0] + y) : quat;
((x : quat) * (y : quat)) => (x * y) : quat;
((x : quat) + (y : quat)) => (x + y) : quat;
x + (y : quat) => (x + y) : quat;
[x, y, 𝐢, z] : quat => 𝐢 * 𝐢₂ + ([x, y, 0, z] : quat);
[x, y, z, 𝐢] : quat => 𝐢 * 𝐢₃ + ([x, y, z, 0] : quat);

Quaternion algebra:

-([x, y, z, w] : quat) => [-x, -y, -z, -w] : quat;
s + ([x, y, z, w] : quat) => [s + x, s + y, s + z, s + w] : quat;
s * ([x, y, z, w] : quat) => [s * x, s * y, s * z, s * w] : quat;
([x, y, z, w] : quat) * s => [x * s, y * s, z * s, w * s] : quat;

([x0, y0, z0, w0] + [x1, y1, z1, w1]) : quat =>
 [x0+x1,y0+y1,z0+z1,w0+w1] : quat;

([x0, y0, z0, w0] * [x1, y1, z1, w1]) : quat => [
] : quat;


Constants in Boolean algebra:

type_of(false) => bool;
type_of(true) => bool;

Unary operators in Boolean algebra (bool -> bool):

false1[type_of](bool) => bool;
not[type_of](bool) => bool;
idb[type_of](bool) => bool;
true1[type_of](bool) => bool;

Binary operators in Boolean algebra (bool x bool -> bool):

and[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
eqb[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
exc[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
false2[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
fstb[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
imply[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
or[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
nand[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
nor[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
sndb[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
xor[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
true2[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;

Trigonometric operators:

acos[type_of](f64) => f64;
asin[type_of](f64) => f64;
atan[type_of](f64) => f64;
atan2[type_of](f64)(f64) => f64;
cos[type_of](f64) => f64;
exp[type_of](f64) => f64;
ln[type_of](f64) => f64;
log2[type_of](f64) => f64;
log10[type_of](f64) => f64;
sin[type_of](f64) => f64;
sqrt[type_of](f64) => f64;
tan[type_of](f64) => f64;

Arithmetic operators:

eq[type_of](bool)(bool) => bool;
add[type_of](f64)(f64) => f64;
sub[type_of](f64)(f64) => f64;
mul[type_of](f64)(f64) => f64;
div[type_of](f64)(f64) => f64;
rem[type_of](f64)(f64) => f64;
pow[type_of](f64)(f64) => f64;
rpow[type_of](f64)(f64) => f64;

List operators:

base[type_of](f64)(f64) => vec;
item[type_of](f64)(vec) => any;
len[type_of](vec) => f64;
concat[type_of](vec)(vec) => vec;
push[type_of](vec)(f64) => vec;
push_front[type_of](vec)(f64) => vec;

Vector operators:

dot[type_of](vec)(vec) => f64;
cross[type_of](vec)(vec) => vec;

Type utilities:

type_of(\x) => compute::type_of(x);
type_of([x..]) => vec;

Symmetric normal paths

add[even] => eqb;
add[exp] => mul;
add[neg] => add;
add[odd] => xor;
and[not] => or;
add[sqrt] => sqrt · (add · ((^ 2) · fst, (^ 2) · snd));
concat[len] => add;
concat[max] => max2;
concat[min] => min2;
concat[sqnorm] => add;
concat[sum] => add;
eqb[not] => xor;
inc[even] => not;
max[neg] => min;
max2[neg] => min2;
min[neg] => max;
min2[neg] => max2;
mul[even] => or;
mul[ln] => add;
mul[log10] => add;
mul[log2] => add;
mul[neg] => neg · mul;
mul[odd] => and;
mul_mat[det] => mul;
nand[not] => nor;
nor[not] => nand;
not[not] => not;
or[not] => and;
soft_max[neg] => soft_min;
soft_min[neg] => soft_max;
xor[not] => eqb;

Symmetric path utilities:

f:[arity]2(x){g}[g] . g => f[g](true)(g(x));
((if(f:[arity]1)(_) · g) · dup)[g]{id} => f[g]{id};
((if(_)(f:[arity]1) · g) · dup)[g]{not} => f[g]{not};

Asymmetric normal paths

if(a)(b)[not → id] => if(b)(a);
nand[not x not -> id] => and[not];
mul_mat[len ⨯ (item(1) · dim) → dim] => id;

Identity normal paths

x[id] => x;
id[x] => id;


inv(f) · f => id;
f · inv(f) => id;
inv(inv(f)) => f;

inv((+ a)) => (- a);
inv((- a)) => (+ a);


x · id => x;
id · x => x;
(fst, snd) => id;

not · not => idb;
exp · ln => id;
ln · exp => id;
neg · neg => id;
conj · conj => id;
transpose · transpose => id;


not · even => odd;
not · odd => even;
mul{(>= 0)}{(>= 0)}[rpow{(>= 0)}(_)] => mul;

sqrt · sqnorm => norm;
(^ 2) · norm => sqnorm;
sqrt · (^ 2) => abs;

false1(_) => false;
true1(_) => true;
not(\false) => true;
not(\true) => false;
id(x) => x;
and(true) => idb;
and(false) => false1;
or(true) => true1;
or(false) => idb;
fstb(x)(y) => x;
fst(x)(y) => x;
sndb(x)(y) => y;
snd(x)(y) => y;
eqb(false) => not;
eqb(true) => idb;

Complex numbers

ε ^ 2 => 0;
𝐢 ^ 2 => -1;

Complex number utilities:

ε * ε => ε ^ 2;

𝐢 * 𝐢 => 𝐢 ^ 2;
𝐢 + 𝐢 => 2𝐢;
x * 𝐢 + 𝐢 => (x + 1) * 𝐢;
𝐢 + x * 𝐢 => (1 + x) * 𝐢;
sqrt(-1) => 𝐢;


sin(\x:int * τ) => sin(τ);
cos(\x:int * τ) => cos(τ);
tan(\x:int * τ) => tan(τ);
-(\a + \b * x) => (-a) + (-b) * x;
reci((\x + \y * 𝐢)) => x / (x^2 + y^2) + (neg(y) / (x^2 + y^2)) * 𝐢;
\a - \b * x => a + (-b) * x;
(\a + \b * x) - (\c + \d * x) => (a - c) + (b - d) * x;
(\a + \b * x) + (\c * x) => a + (b + c) * x;
(\a * x) + (\b * x) => (a + b) * x;
x - x => 0;
\a * x + x => (a + 1) * x;
\a * x - x => (a - 1) * x;
x + \a * x => (a + 1) * x;
x - \a * x => (1 - a) * x;
\a * (\b + \c * x) => (a * b) + (a * c) * x;
((\a + \b * x) * (\c * x)) => ((c * x) * (a + b * x));
(\a * x) * (\b + \c * x) => ((a * c) * x^2 + (a * b) * x);
(\a + \b * x) * (\c + \d * x) => a * c + b * d * x^2 + (a * d + b * c) * x;
(\a * x) * (\b * x) => (a * b) * x^2;
\x / \y => compute::div(x, y);
(\a + \b * ε) / (\c + \d * ε) => a / c + (b * c - a * d) / c ^ 2 * ε;
x / (\a + \b * 𝐢) => x * reci(a + b * 𝐢);
el(x)(y)(z) => item(y)(item(x)(z));
re{(: vec)}(x) => item(0)(x);
re(a + _ * 𝐢) => a;
im{(: vec)}(x) => item(1)(x);
im(_ + a * 𝐢) => a;
a * 𝐢 * 𝐢 => a * (𝐢 * 𝐢);
mulc([x0, y0])([x1, y1]) => [x0 * x1 - y0 * y1, x0 * y1 + x1 * y0];
conj([x, y]) => [x, -y];
conj(a + b * 𝐢) => a + (-b) * 𝐢;


-\x => compute::neg(x);
\x < \y => compute::lt(x, y);
\x <= \y => compute::le(x, y);
\x = \y => compute::eq(x, y);
\x >= \y => compute::ge(x, y);
\x > \y => compute::gt(x, y);
\x + \y => compute::add(x, y);
\x - \y => compute::sub(x, y);
\x * \y => compute::mul(x, y);
\x % \y => compute::rem(x, y);
\x ^ \y => compute::pow(x, y);
(^ \x)(\y) => compute::pow(y, x);
abs(\x) => compute::abs(x);
arity(x) => compute::arity(x);
base(\x)(\y) => compute::base(x, y);
col(\k){(: vec)}(x) => compute::col(k, x);
concat{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => compute::concat(x, y);
dim{(: vec)}(x) => compute::dim(x);
even(\x) => compute::even(x);
inc(\x) => compute::inc(x);
item(\x)([y..]) => compute::item(x, y);
is_square_mat{(: vec)}(x) => compute::is_square_mat(x);
len{(: vec)}(x) => compute::len(x);
max2(\x)(\y) => compute::max2(x, y);
min2(\x)(\y) => compute::min2(x, y);
mul_mat{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => compute::mul_mat(x, y);
norm(x) => sqrt(sqnorm(x));
odd(\x) => compute::odd(x);
prob(\x) => compute::prob(x);
probl(\x) => compute::probl(x);
probm(\x) => compute::probm(x);
probr(\x) => compute::probr(x);
push([x..])(y) => compute::push(x, y);
push_front([x..])(y) => compute::push_front(x, y);
range(\x)(\y)(\z) => compute::range(x, y, z);
rangel(\x)(\y)(\z) => compute::rangel(x, y, z);
rangem(\x)(\y)(\z) => compute::rangem(x, y, z);
ranger(\x)(\y)(\z) => compute::ranger(x, y, z);
reci(\x) => compute::reci(x);
sqnorm{(: vec)}(x) => sum(vec_op(mul)(x)(x));
transpose{(: vec)}(x) => compute::transpose(x);

Computation utilities:

\x + (\y + z) => compute::add(x, y) + z;
\x * (\y * z) => compute::mul(x, y) * z;


(* x) · (mul · (g, (* y) · snd)) => (* x) · ((* y) · (mul · (g, snd)));
(* x) · (mul · ((* y) · fst, g)) => (* x) · ((* y) · (mul · (fst, g)));
(* x) · (* y) => (* x * y);

-(-x) => x;
0 + x => x;
x + 0 => x;
0 - x => -x;
x - 0 => x;
1 * x => x;
x * 1 => x;
(* 0) => 0;
_ * 0 => 0;
\x / ∞ => 0;
x ^ 1 => x;
x ^ 0 => 1;

x * (-y) => (-x) * y;


Concreteness is used to in meta-reasoning about whether an expression will return a concrete value.

(x : \) + (y : \) => (x + y) : \;
(x : \) - (y : \) => (x - y) : \;
(x : \) * (y : \) => (x * y) : \;
(x : \) / (y : \) => (x / y) : \;
(x : \) % (y : \) => (x % y) : \;
(x : \) ^ (y : \) => (x ^ y) : \;
(^ x : \)(y : \) => (^ x)(y) : \;

Vector operations

Unary operators:

not{(: vec)}([x]) => [!x];
not{(: vec)}([x, y..]) => [not(x)] ++ not{(: vec)}(y);
neg{(: vec)}(\[x]) => [-x];
neg{(: vec)}([x, y..]) => [neg(x)] ++ neg{(: vec)}(y);
sum{(: vec)}([x, y..]) => add(x)(sum{(: vec)}(y));
sum{(: vec)}(\[x]) => x;
max{(: vec)}([x, y..]) => max2(x)(max{(: vec)}(y));
max{(: vec)}(\[x]) => x;
min{(: vec)}([x, y..]) => min2(x)(min{(: vec)}(y));
min{(: vec)}(\[x]) => x;
arg_max{(: vec)}([x, y..]) =>
  if(0)(1 + arg_max{(: vec)}(y))(max2(x, max{(: vec)}(y)) = x);
arg_max{(: vec)}([x]) => 0;
arg_min{(: vec)}([x, y..]) =>
  if(0)(1 + arg_min{(: vec)}(y))(min2(x, min{(: vec)}(y)) = x);
arg_min{(: vec)}([x]) => 0;
soft_max{(: vec)}(x) => ln(sum{(: vec)}(exp{(: vec)}(x)));
soft_min{(: vec)}(x) => -ln(sum{(: vec)}(exp{(: vec)}(-x)));
soft_arg_max(x){(: vec)}(y) => exp(x) / sum(exp{(: vec)}(y));
soft_arg_min(x){(: vec)}(y) => exp(-x) / sum(exp{(: vec)}(-y));
ln{(: vec)}([x]) => [ln(x)];
ln{(: vec)}([x, y..]) => [ln(x)] ++ ln{(: vec)}(y);
exp{(: vec)}([x]) => [exp(x)];
exp{(: vec)}([x, y..]) => [exp(x)] ++ exp{(: vec)}(y);

Binary operators:

and{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => vec_op(and)(x)(y);
or{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => vec_op(or)(x)(y);
add{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => vec_op(add)(x)(y);
sub{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => vec_op(sub)(x)(y);
mul{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => vec_op(mul)(x)(y);
div{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => vec_op(div)(x)(y);
rem{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => vec_op(rem)(x)(y);
pow{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => vec_op(pow)(x)(y);
rpow{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(y) => vec_op(rpow)(x)(y);

Vector operation reductions:

vec_op(f)([x0, y0..])([x1, y1..]) => concat([f(x0)(x1)])(vec_op(f)(y0)(y1));
vec_op(f)(\[x])(\[y]) => [f(x)(y)];
vec_uop(f)([x, y..]) => concat([f(x)])(vec_uop(f)(y));
vec_uop(f)(\[x]) => [f(x)];

Boolean algebra

  • Decidable requires Law of Excluded Middle
  • Constructive is the same as undecidable

Modus ponens (constructive):

a & imply(a)(b) => b;

And fst (constructive):

imply(a & b)(a) => true;

Bound negative and positive (constructive):

!a & b | a => b | a;
a & b | !a => b | !a;

Double negation utilities (decidable):

!(!x) => x;
not · (not · x) => x;

Reverse modus tollens utility (decidable):

!(!b) | !a => b | !a;


a | !a => true;

Implication transitivity (constructive):

imply(imply(a)(b) & imply(b)(c))(imply(a)(c)) => true;


dot{(: vec)}([x0, y0]){(: vec)}([x1, y1]) => x0 * x1 + y0 * y1;
cross{(: vec)}([a1, a2, a3]){(: vec)}([b1, b2, b3]) => [
    a2 * b3 - a3 * b2,
    a3 * b1 - a1 * b3,
    a1 * b2 - a2 * b1,


and · (le, ge) => eq;
and · (f, f) => f;
and · ((>= \x), (>= \y)) => (>= max2(x)(y));
and · ((> \x), (> \y)) => (> max2(x)(y));
and · ((<= \x), (<= \y)) => (<= min2(x)(y));
and · ((< \x), (< \y)) => (< min2(x)(y));
and · ((< x), (<= x)) => (< x);
and · ((<= x), (< y)) => and · ((< y), (<= x));
and · ((< x), (> x)) => false;
and · ((> x), (< y)) => and · ((< y), (> x));
and · ((> x), (<= y)) => and · ((<= y), (> x));
and · ((<= x), (>= x)) => (= x);
and · ((> x), (>= x)) => (> x);
and · ((>= x), (> y)) => and · ((> y), (>= x));
and · ((>= x), (< y)) => and · ((< y), (>= x));
and · ((>= x), (<= y)) => and · ((<= y), (>= x));
and · ((< \x), (> \y)) => if(false)(rangem(min2(x)(y))(max2(x)(y)))(x <= y);
and · ((< \x), (>= \y)) => if(false)(rangel(min2(x)(y))(max2(x)(y)))(x <= y);
and · ((<= \x), (> \y)) => if(false)(ranger(min2(x)(y))(max2(x)(y)))(x <= y);
and · ((<= \x), (>= \y)) => if(false)(range(min2(x)(y))(max2(x)(y)))(x < y);
and · ((< \x), (<= \y)) => if((< x))((<= y))(x <= y);
and · ((> \x), (>= \y)) => if((> x))((>= y))(x >= y);
or · ((< x), (<= x)) => (<= x);
or · ((<= x), (< y)) => or · ((< y), (<= x));
or · ((< x), (= x)) => (<= x);
or · ((= x), (> x)) => (>= x);
or · ((< x), (>= x)) => true;
or · ((<= x), (> x)) => true;
or · ((<= x), (>= x)) => true;
or · ((>= x), (< y)) => or · ((< y), (>= x));
or · ((> x), (<= y)) => or · ((<= y), (> x));
or · ((>= x), (<= y)) => or · ((<= y), (>= x));
or · ((= y), (< x)) => or · ((< x), (= y));
or · ((> x), (= y)) => or · ((= y), (> x));
or · ((= x), (>= x)) => (>= x);
or · ((<= x), (= x)) => (<= x);
or · ((>= x), (= y)) => or · ((= y), (>= x));
or · ((= x), (<= y)) => or · ((<= y), (= x));
or · ((> x), (>= x)) => (>= x);
or · ((>= x), (> y)) => or · ((> y), (>= x));
or · ((< \x), (<= \y)) => if((<= y))((< x))(x <= y);
or · ((> \x), (>= \y)) => if((>= y))(gt(x))(x >= y);
or · (f, f) => f;
not · (< x) => (>= x);
not · (<= x) => (> x);
not · (>= x) => (< x);
not · (> x) => (<= x);


You can use deriv or 𝐝 (unicode).

𝐝(!\x)(x) => 1;
𝐝(!\x)(\y) => 0;
𝐝(!\x)(y:\) => 0;
𝐝(!\x)(\k * y) => k * 𝐝(x)(y);
𝐝(!\x)(k:\ * y) => k:\ * 𝐝(x)(y);
𝐝(!\x)(π * y) => π * 𝐝(x)(y);
𝐝(!\x)(τ * y) => τ * 𝐝(x)(y);
𝐝(!\x)(x ^ \k) => k * x ^ (k - 1);
𝐝(!\x)(sin(x)) => cos(x);
𝐝(!\x)(cos(x)) => -sin(x);
𝐝(!\x)(sin(\k * x)) => k * cos(k * x);
𝐝(!\x)(cos(\k * x)) => -k * sin(k * x);
𝐝(!\x)(exp(x)) => exp(x);
𝐝(!\x)(exp(\k * x)) => k * exp(k * x);
𝐝(!\x)(y + z) => 𝐝(x)(y) + 𝐝(x)(z);
𝐝(!\x)(y - z) => 𝐝(x)(y) - 𝐝(x)(z);

Constant derivative simplification:

𝐝(x)((a : \) ^ \b) => 0;

Derivatives utilities:

𝐝(!\x)(\k * m:\ * y) => k * m:\ * 𝐝(x)(y);
𝐝(!\x)((x - s:\)^2) => 2 * (x - s:\);

Indefinite integrals

You can use integ or (unicode).

∫(!\x)(c)(x) => c + 0.5 * x ^ 2;
∫(!\x)(c)(\k) => c + k * x;
∫(!\x)(c)(\k * y) => k * ∫(x)(c / k)(y);
∫(!\x)(c)(x ^ \k) => c + 1 / (k + 1) * x ^ (k + 1);
∫(!\x)(c)(cos(x)) => c + sin(x);
∫(!\x)(c)(sin(x)) => c + -cos(x);
∫(!\x)(c)(exp(x)) => c + exp(x);
∫(!\x)(c)(exp(\k * x)) => c + 1 / k * exp(k * x);
∫(!\x)(c)(d(x)(y) * exp(y)) => c + exp(y);
∫(!\x)(c)(\k ^ x) => c + k ^ x / ln(k);
∫(!\x)(c)(ln(x)) => c + (-x + x * ln(x));

Indefinite integral utilities:

(\k * ((c / \k) + y)) => c + k * y;

Partial derivatives

You can use pariv * x or ∂x (unicode).

Notice that there is an ambiguity in the standard notation, which is fixed by using the following notation:

  • ∂(y) / ∂x means taking the partial derivative of y with respect to x
  • ∂y / ∂x means the change of y with respect to x
∂(a + b) / ∂c => ∂(a) / ∂c + ∂(b) / ∂c;
∂(a - b) / ∂c => ∂(a) / ∂c - ∂(b) / ∂c;
∂(x) / ∂x => 𝐝(x)(x);
∂(x^\k) / ∂x => 𝐝(x)(x^k);
∂((x - s)^\k) / (∂ * x!>s) => k * (x - s) ^ (k - 1);
∂(a * b) / (∂ * x!>a) => a * (∂(b) / ∂x);
∂(x) / (∂ * y!>x) => 𝐝(y)(x:\);
∂((∂x / ∂t) ^ 2) / (∂ * x!>t) => 0;

Partial derivatives utilities:

∂^2 * x / ∂t^2 <=> ∂ / ∂t * (∂x / ∂t);

Equality domain constraints

and{eq} => fstb;
or{eq} => fstb;
eq{eq} => true;
add{eq}(x)(_) => 2 * x;
mul{eq}(x)(_) => x ^ 2;
sub{eq} => 0;
max2{eq} => fst;
min2{eq} => fst;

Equality constraint utilities:

\x{eq}(_) => x;
eq{(: vec)}(x){(: vec)}(x) => eq{eq}(x)(x);


div{and · (eq, (> 0) · fst)} => 1;
f{true2} => f;
f{true1} => f;
(x^\k * x) => x^(k + 1);
(x * x^\k) => x^(k + 1);
(x^\a * x^\b) => x^(a + b);
(x * x) => x^2;
(g . (* x))(y) => g(x * y);

Trivial paths (domains)

You can type triv instead of . For more information, see help triv.

∀(f:[arity]2{g0}{g1}) => (g0, g1);
∀(f:[arity]1{g}) => g;
∀(f:!{}) => true;

Existential paths (codomains)

You can type ex instead of . For more information, see help ex.

Generic laws:

∃(\x) => eq(x);
∃(f{f}) => idb;
∃(false1) => not;
∃(not) => true1;
∃(idb) => true1;
∃(true1) => idb;
∃(and) => true1;
∃(or) => true1;
∃(nand) => true1;
∃(nor) => true1;
∃(xor) => true1;
∃(eqb) => true1;
∃(exc) => true1;
∃(imply) => true1;
∃(fstb) => true1;
∃(sndb) => true1;
∃(id) => true;

∃(add{(>= x)}{(>= y)}) => (>= x + y);
∃(add{(> x)}{(> y)}) => (> x + y);
∃(add{(<= x)}{(<= y)}) => (<= x + y);
∃(add{(< x)}{(< y)}) => (< x + y);

∃(even · (/ \k){even}) => true;

Function inequalities

Unary boolean function inequalities:

id = false => false;
id = true => false;
not = false => false;
not = true => false;
id = not => false;

Function inequality utilities:

false = x => x = false;
true = x => x = true;
not = id => false;


!\a + \b => b + a;
!\a + b:\ => b:\ + a;
!\a * \b => b * a;
!\a * b:\ => b:\ * a;
!\a + (\b + c) => b + (a + c);
!\a + (b:\ + c) => b:\ + (a + c);
\a + !\b - !\c => a + (b - c);
a:\ + !\b - !\c => a:\ + (b - c);

Constants utilities:

\a * b * (\c * d) => (a * c) * b * d;


subst(a)(a)(b) => b;


idb => id;
fstb => fst;
sndb => snd;

len · concat => concat[len] · (len · fst, len · snd);
sum · concat => concat[sum] · (sum · fst, sum · snd);
max · concat => concat[max] · (max · fst, max · snd);
min · concat => concat[min] · (min · fst, min · snd);
sqnorm · concat => concat[sqnorm] · (sqnorm · fst, sqnorm · snd);
norm · concat => sqrt · (sqnorm · concat);
len · base(x) => x;
item(0) · dim => len;
(f · fst){x}(a){_}(_) => f{x}(a);
(f · fst)(a)(_) => f(a);
(f · snd){_}(_){x}(a) => f{x}(a);
(f · snd)(_)(a) => f(a);
(f · fst){_}(a)(_) => f(a);
(f · snd){_}(_)(a) => f(a);
(f · fst) · (x, _) => f · x;
(f · snd) · (_, x) => f · x;

(x, y) · (a, b) => (x · (a, b), y · (a, b));
(x, y, z) · (a, b, c) => (x · (a, b, c), y · (a, b, c), z · (a, b, c));

cos(x) ^ 2 + sin(x) ^ 2 => 1;

f:!{}([x..]) => f{(: vec)}(x);

(-(x + y)) => (-x + -y);
(-(x * y)) => (-x * y);
(x + x) => (2 * x);


Equivalences are used to present available choices after reduction.

An equivalence uses the syntax <expr> <=> <expr>. When <=>> is used, it means reduction from left to right under evaluation.

Equivalences are similar to reductions, but with the difference that they might work both ways. Some equivalences have fewer variables or uses compute:: on one side, which means they can only be used from left to right.


imply(a = b)(c:!subst) <=> imply(a = b)(subst(c)(a)(b));
subst(f:!subst(a))(b)(c) <=> subst(f)(b)(c)(a);
subst(f(a:!subst))(b)(c) <=> f(subst(a)(b)(c));

Catuṣkoṭi existential lift

Catuṣkoṭi existential lift is used to reason about indeterminacy. The equation of the form f(x) = y where y is true/false/both/neither (a 4-value logic) is translated into an equation using the existential path ∃(f{(= x)}). For more information, see help catus.

f(x) = both <=> ∃(f{(= x)}) = true;
f(x) = neither <=> ∃(f{(= x)}) = false;
f(x) = true <=> ∃(f{(= x)}) = idb;
f(x) = false <=> ∃(f{(= x)}) = not;
∃(f:[arity]1[g]{h}) <=> ∃(g · f{h · g});


acos(\x) <=>> compute::acos(x);
asin(\x) <=>> compute::asin(x);
atan(\x) <=>> compute::atan(x);
atan2(\x)(\y) <=>> compute::atan2(x, y);
cos(\x) <=>> compute::cos(x);
exp(\x) <=>> compute::exp(x);
ln(\x) <=>> compute::ln(x);
log2(\x) <=>> compute::log2(x);
log10(\x) <=>> compute::log10(x);
sin(\x) <=>> compute::sin(x);
sqrt(\x:(< 0)) <=>> mul(sqrt(x))(𝐢);
sqrt(\x:(>= 0)) <=> compute::sqrt(x);
tan(\x) <=>> compute::tan(x);


pi <=>> 3.141592653589793;
tau <=>> 6.283185307179586;

Trigonometry utilities:

2π <=> τ;
cos(τ) => 1;
sin(τ) => 0;
sqrt(1) => 1;
sqrt(x) ^ 2 => x;
tan(τ) => 0;

Ranges to probabilities

range(0)(1) <=> prob;
rangel(0)(1) <=> probl;
ranger(0)(1) <=> probr;
rangem(0)(1) <=> probm;


(= true) <=> idb;
(= false) <=> not;

x ^ 2 <=> x * x;

(>= x) <=> le(x);
(> x) <=> lt(x);
(<= x) <=> ge(x);
(< x) <=> gt(x);
and · (f, g) <=> and · (g, f);
or · (f, g) <=> or · (g, f);
nand · (f, g) <=> nand · (g, f);
nor · (f, g) <=> nor · (g, f);
(not · and) · (not · fst, not · snd) <=> or;

el(x)(y) <=> item(x) · item(y);

a - (b - c) <=> a - b + c;
a - b - c <=> a - (b + c);
((a - b) * c) <=> (a * c - b * c);
((a + b) * c) <=> (a * c + b * c);
((a + b) - c) <=> (a + (b - c));

((a + b)^2) <=> (a^2 + 2 * a * b + b^2);
((a + b)^3) <=> (a^3 + 3 * a^2 * b + 3 * a * b^2 + b^3);
((a - b)^2) <=> (a^2 - 2 * a * b + b^2);
((a + b) * (a - b)) <=> (a^2 - b^2);
((a * b)^2) <=> (a^2 * b^2);
((a / b)^2) <=> (a^2 / b^2);
(a / b / b) <=> (a / b^2);
(^ a)(b) <=> (b ^ a);

(a * b + a * c) / d <=> (a / d) * (b + c);
(a * b - a * c) / d <=> (a / d) * (b - c);
0.5 * a <=> a / 2;
a^2 + a <=> a * (a + 1);
a^2 - a <=> a * (a - 1);
x * (x - 1) / 2 <=> ((2 * x - 1)^2 - 1) / 8;


a * (b + c) <=> a * b + a * c;
a * (b - c) <=> a * b - a * c;
a & (b | c) <=> a & b | a & c;


a + (b + c) <=> a + b + c;
a * (b * c) <=> a * b * c;
a | (b | c) <=> a | b | c;
a & (b & c) <=> a & b & c;


a & b <=> b & a;
a | b <=> b | a;
(a = b) <=> (b = a);
a + b <=> b + a;
a * b <=> b * a;
nand(a)(b) <=> nand(b)(a);
nor(a)(b) <=> nor(b)(a);
xor(a)(b) <=> xor(b)(a);

Commutativity utilities:

x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 <=> x3 + x0 + x1 + x2;
x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 <=> x0 + x3 + x2 + x1;
x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 <=>
x7 + x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6;
x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 <=>
x0 + x7 + x6 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x2 + x1;
x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 <=>
x11 + x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10;
x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 <=>
x0 + x11 + x10 + x9 + x8 + x7 + x6 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x2 + x1;

x0 * x1 * x2 <=> x0 * x2 * x1;
x0 * x1 * x2 * x3 <=> x0 * x2 * x1 * x3;

x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 <=> x3 | x0 | x1 | x2;
x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 <=> x0 | x3 | x2 | x1;
x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 <=>
x7 | x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6;
x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 <=>
x0 | x7 | x6 | x5 | x4 | x3 | x2 | x1;
x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | x8 | x9 | x10 | x11 <=>
x11 | x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | x8 | x9 | x10;
x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | x8 | x9 | x10 | x11 <=>
x0 | x11 | x10 | x9 | x8 | x7 | x6 | x5 | x4 | x3 | x2 | x1;

x0 & x1 & x2 <=> x0 & x2 & x1;
x0 & x1 & x2 & x3 <=> x0 & x2 & x1 & x3;

Algebra utilities

a + -1 * b <=> a - b;
(a + b * ε) * (c + d * ε) <=> a * c + (a * d + c * b) * ε;
(a + b * 𝐢) * (c + d * 𝐢) <=> a * c - b * d + (a * d + c * b) * 𝐢;

Function inverses

inv(id) <=> id;
inv(not) <=> not;

Algebra misc

inc(x) <=> 1 + x;
(x + -y) <=> (x - y);
neg(x + y) <=> neg(x) - y;
neg(x) <=> -1 * x;
(a + b = c) <=> ((-a + a) + b = -a + c);
(a - b = c) <=> (a - (b - b) = c + b);
(a + b = c) <=> (b = c - a);
(a + b = c) <=> (a = c - b);
(a + b = c + b) <=> (a = c);
mul(-1) <=> neg;
(a - b = c - b) <=> (a = c);
(a / b = c / b) <=> (a * (b / b) = c * (b / b));
(a / c + b / c) <=> ((a + b) / c);
((a * b) / c) <=> (a * (b / c));
(a * b - a) <=> (a * (b - 1));
(- y)(x) <=> (x - y);
(x / y) <=> x * reci(y);
(/ y)(x) <=>> (x / y);

Logarithms and exponentials

log10(x) <=> ln(x) / ln(10);
log2(x) <=> ln(x) / ln(2);
ln(y ^ x) <=> x * ln(y);
log2(y ^ x) <=> x * log2(y);
log10(y ^ x) <=> x * log10(y);
ln(x * y) <=> ln(x) + ln(y);
log10(x * y) <=> log10(x) + log10(y);
log2(x * y) <=> log2(x) + log2(y);
exp(x + y) <=> exp(x) * exp(y);
exp(x * ln(y)) <=> y^x;

Boolean algebra

  • Decidable requires Law of Excluded Middle
  • Constructive is the same as undecidable
imply <=> or · not;
imply · and <=> imply · (id, imply · snd);
not · nand <=> and;
not · nor <=> or;
not · and <=> nand;
not · or <=> nor;
not · eqb <=> xor;
not · xor <=> eqb;

De Morgan's laws utility (decidable):

!(a & b) <=> !a | !b;
!(a | b) <=> !a & !b;


imply(a)(c) & imply(b)(c) <=> imply(a | b)(c);
imply(a)(b) <=> imply(!b)(!a);
imply(a)(b) & imply(b)(a) <=> eqb(a)(b);


xor(a)(b) <=> a & !b | !a & b;

Generic transformations

(f:[arity]1 · g) <=> f:[arity]1[inv(g) -> id];
(f · (g0 · fst, g1 · snd)) <=> f[inv(g0) x inv(g1) -> id];
(f · inv(g)) <=> f[g -> id];
(f · (inv(g0) · fst, inv(g1) · snd)) <=> f[g0 x g1 -> id];
f[id -> g2] · inv(g1) <=> f[g1 -> g2];
f[id -> g2] · g1 <=> f[inv(g1) -> g2];
inv(f) <=> id[f -> id];
inv(f · g) <=> inv(g) · inv(f);
id[(f · g) -> id] <=> id[f -> id[g -> id]];
((g2 · f · g1) = h) <=> (f = (inv(g2) · h · inv(g1)));
((f · g) = h) <=> (((inv(f) · f) · g) = (inv(f) · h));
((f · g) = h) <=> ((f · (g · inv(g))) = (h · inv(g)));
(f[g] = h) <=> (f = h[inv(g)]);
(f[g1 -> g2] = h) <=> (f = h[inv(g1) -> inv(g2)]);
(f[g0 x g1 -> g2] = h) <=> (f = h[inv(g0) x inv(g1) -> inv(g2)]);
(f[g1 -> id] = h[id -> inv(g2)]) <=> (f[g1 -> g2] = h);
h · f[g -> id] <=> f[g -> h];
f[id -> g] <=> g · f;
f[id x id -> g] <=> g · f;
f:!{}(a)(a) <=> f{eq}(a)(a);
f:!{} · (g, g) <=> f{eq} · (g, g);
f[g][h] <=> f[h · g];
f[g0 -> g1][g2 -> g3] <=> f[(g2 · g0) -> (g3 · g1)];
f[g0 x g1 -> g2][h0 x h1 -> h2] <=> f[(h0 · g0) x (h1 · g1) -> (h2 · g2)];
f · (g · (h0, h1)) <=> (f · g) · (h0, h1);
(f · (g0, g1)) · (h0, h1) <=> f · ((g0, g1) · (h0, h1));
f · (g · h) <=> (f · g) · h;
g · f:[arity]1 <=> f:[arity]1[g] · g;
g · f:[arity]1{g} <=> f:[arity]1{g}[g] · g;
f:[arity]1[g] <=> f:[arity]1[g -> id][id -> g];
(f · (g0, g1)){x}(a){y}(b) <=> f(g0{x}(a){y}(b))(g1{x}(a){y}(b));
(f · (g0, g1))(a)(b) <=> f(g0(a)(b))(g1(a)(b));
(f · (g0, g1))(a) <=> f(g0(a))(g1(a));
(f · (g0(a), g1(b)))(c) <=> (f · (g0 · fst, g1 · snd))(a)(b)(c);
(f · g:[arity]2)(a)(b) <=> f(g:[arity]2(a)(b));
(f · g:[arity]2){x}(a){y}(b) <=> f(g:[arity]2{x}(a){y}(b));
(f · g:[arity]1)(a) <=>> f(g:[arity]1(a));
(f · g:[arity]2){x}(a){y}(b) <=> (f · g:[arity]2{x}{y})(a)(b);
(f · g:[arity]1){x}(a) <=>> f(g:[arity]1{x}(a));
(g · f:[arity]2){_}(a){_}(b) <=>> f:[arity]2[g](g(a))(g(b));
(g · f:[arity]1){_}(a) <=>> f:[arity]1[g](g(a));
(g · f:[arity]2)(a)(b) <=>> f:[arity]2[g](g(a))(g(b));
g · f:[arity]2 <=> f:[arity]2[g] · (g · fst, g · snd);
(g · f:[arity]1)(a) <=> f:[arity]1[g](g(a));
(g, f)(a) <=> (g(a), f(a));
f · (g0, g1)(a) <=> (f · (g0, g1))(a);
(g · f){h} <=> g · f{h};
f[g0 x g1 -> g2] · (g0 · fst, g1 · snd) <=> g2 · f;
f[g0 -> g1] · g0 <=> g1 · f;
f[id x g0 -> g1] · (fst, g0 · snd) <=> g1 · f;
f[g0 x id -> g1] · (g0 · fst, snd) <=> g1 · f;
f[g -> g] <=> f[g];
f[g x g -> g] <=> f[g];
(f(x) = g(x)) <=> (f = g);
g2 · f[g0 x g1 -> id] <=> (g2 · f)[g0 x g1 -> id];
h · f[g0 x g1 -> id] <=> f[g0 x g1 -> h];
(f:[arity]2 · (fst, g:[arity]2 · snd))(a)(b)(c) <=>
f:[arity]2(a)(g:[arity]1(b)) <=> (f:[arity]2 · (fst, g:[arity]1 · snd))(a)(b);
f:[arity]2(g:[arity]1(a))(b) <=> (f:[arity]2 · (g:[arity]1 · fst, snd))(a)(b);