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Mo Morsi edited this page Jan 4, 2013 · 10 revisions

title: Presentations
updated_on: Wed Nov 21 13:43:26 ~~0500 2012\

h1. Aeolus Presentation Portal
h2. Overview Presentations
These slides present an overview of the project, or related concepts.
They are listed in reverse chronological order.
|Deploying Across Clouds: The Open Source
Morsi at Ohio LinuxFest 2012|Minimal slides, heavy on live demo |\
|“Cloud in the
Vollero and Michal Fojtik|Focusing on Deltacloud and Aeolus|\
|“The Aeolus Project: A Breeze to the
Vollero delivered at FOSDEM 2012||\
|“Aeolus Architecture
Lalancette at FUDCON 2011 ||\
|“Opening Up Cloud Computing With
NY Engineering Expo~~ Mo Morsi |Beginner cloud computing / Aeolus
overview for less-technical audience|\
|“Opening Up Cloud Computing With
Morsi - FOSSCon|Updated overview, minimal slide text, focusing more on
|“Deltacloud: Many Clouds, One API, No
FUDCon - Mo Morsi|Early project overview, when project was known as

Topical Presentations

These presentations focus on specific components or aspects of Aeolus.

  Title                                                URL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Presentors/Authors                                              Focus
  ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
  Aeolus on Heat (on Deltacloud)                       “HTML slides”:[\#slide1](   Tomáš Šedovič                                                   [Heat API]( with regard to Conductor
  Conductor Walkthrough                                “.zip with ODP and PDF”:[\_aedev-conf\](        Jaromír Coufal                                                  Improving and standardizing Conductor UI
  converge-ui                                          “.zip with ODP and PDF”:[\_aedev-conf\](                            Jaromír Coufal                                                  The converge-ui (now ui-alchemy) project
  Developing the Aeolus Community                      “ODP”:[](                                                              Tzu-Mainn Chen, Matt Wagner, Jiří Stránský, Francesco Vollero   Discussing about enhancing and expanding the upstream community
  Provider Selection                                   “PDF”:[](                                                                  Imre Farkas                                                     Conductor’s provider selection system
  Renaming Status                                      “PDF”:[](                                                                        Angus Thomas                                                    Conductor vs. downstream product terminology
  Winged Monkey                                        “PDF”:[](                                                                            Angus Thomas                                                    Winged Monkey project
  Conductor API & CLI                                  “ODP”:[](                                                          Richard Su                                                      Status future of the Conductor API and CLI tools
  dev\_tools                                           “ODP”:[](                                                                                    Richard Su                                                      Tools for setting up an Aeolus development environment
  Upstream and the Future                              “PDF”:[](                                                            Hugh Brock                                                      The importance of a strong upstream community
  Conductor Roles and Permissions UX Evaluation        “PDF”:[](                Jeremy Perry                                                    A look at the user experience of our Roles and Permissions screens
  Rails Engines                                        “ODP”:[\_engines.odp](                                                                         Martyn Taylor                                                   Rails Engines
  Introduction to Openstack and the HEAT API project   “ODP”:[](                                              Steven Hardy                                                    Openstack and Heat
  Tim                                                  “ODP”:[](                                                                                              Martyn Taylor                                                   The Tim engine
  Resource State Tracker                               “PDF”:[](                                                                                      Jan Provaznik                                                   Formerly known as Deltacloud Tracker
  Travis                                               “ODP”:[](                                                                                        Richard Su                                                      Upstream CI
  “Git Workflow”                                       “ODP”:[](                                                                                                        Chris Lalancette                                                Working with git


Resources to use to setup and use environments containing Aeolus.

The following is suggested for a robust demonstration of Aeolus

-   2 workstations - one to serve as one or more ‘external’ cloud
    providers and one to serve as the Aeolus server controlling this.
-   ‘’’Highly suggested’’’ to not rely on external cloud resources (such
    as EC2 or other), networks at conferences are almost always
    unreliable, and many operations (eg uploading images) take time
-   One workstation could be used, though it is conceptually nice to
    show Aeolus in one location controlling external cloud resources
-   Cloud provider workstation: (reqs will vary depending on the
    providers), a minimum of 3GB of memory 250GB of disk space and
    hardware virtualization is required
-   The Aeolus workstation: hardware virtualization is required
-   Fresh Fedora 17 install, Aeolus is available to existing systems, of
    various OS and Distro types, but to ensure you don’t lose any local
    data and that the config experience goes as smooth as possible an
    unused F17 system is desirable

### Cloud Providers

[[Setting up Openstack]]\
[[Setting up oVirt]]\
[[Setting up vSphere]] \# coming soon

### Aeolus

[[Aeolus Demo Setup]]\
[[Aeolus Demo Commands]]

### Choice

It is good to begin and end the demo by cycling back around to the
problem at hand at the solution Aeolus provides. Discussing vendor
lockin, proprietary and custom apis, and price hikes, and how Aeolus can
be used to mitigate all that (as just demonstrated).

Videos and Screencasts

[Deploying Fedora to oVirt using
[Config Server Wordpress
[FLOSS Weekly,
[FLOSS Weekly, Deltacloud](\
[Deltacloud demo](\
[Aeolus Community

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