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Publicity Cabal Minutes
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Francesco Vollero
- Justin Clift
- Tomas Sedovic
- FOSDEM, Linux.conf.au recently completed, reach out to participants and get presentations and trip reports (if practical)
- Loadays - Francecso invited to submit a paper
- Conductor - tzumainn will talk to athomas for update
- Winged Monkey - coming soon! no, really
- end-of-Sprint was delayed
- Brno presentations - Jirka has another video in the pipeline
- tuxjournal.net - Francesco asked to write an article about Aeolus
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Justin Clift
- Matt Wagner
- FOSDEM, Linux.conf.au coming up, reach out after to get copies of presentations
- jclift needs to send Open Source Data Center Conference updated speaker bio
- Deltacloud 1.1 release is intended to be quiet; they will have their own release page for 1.2
- Imagefactory - no formal release use, imcleod will talk to sloranz
- Conductor - tzumainn will talk to athomas for update
- Winged Monkey - coming soon!
- end-of-Sprint this week
- Brno presentations - tzumainn needs to publicize Aeolus on Heat; jtomasek has another video in the pipeline
- Angus Thomas
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Justin Clift
- Tomas Sedovic
- blog post about TakeOff 2013 will be published today
- Tim release page created, will publicize tomorrow if there are no objections
- Next, do release pages for Deltacloud, ImageFactory, Conductor, Winged Monkey
- Check to see if Deltacloud has their own release page; if so, just link to that
- Talk with Website Cabal to see if release page can be linked to elsewhere in some logical fashion
- Jirka has uploaded two new Brno videos (Aeolus on Heat, Winged Monkey), we will blog
- Mainn has combined the minutes into one wiki page
- Justin has changed the old redmine wiki page to point to the new github wiki page
- Angus Thomas
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Matt Wagner
- Tomas Sedovic
- Red Hat Brno Dev Conference - confirm Justin's attendance
- Open Source Data Center Conference 2013 - Justin Clift has an accepted talk, needs to confirm budget
- Takeoff 2013 - Jaromir is presenting on Friday afternoon; tweet on Wednesday or Thursday
- Mainn will talk to Mike and Angus about upcoming Sprint work
- Catch up with Justin on release planning
- presentations from Brno - Jirka has Michal Fojtik's Deltacloud presentation ready, will send link to Mainn
- DevTools (Conductor on Ubuntu) - Mainn will ping Mike Orazi again
- Amazon EC2 Outage - Matt has blog post ready; will publish on Wednesday
- wiki has been moved to Github pages
- Angus Thomas
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Andy Fitzsimon
- Justin Clift
- Matt Wagner
- Tomas Sedovic
- FOSDEM - Martyn Taylor, Tomas Sedovic, Michal Fojtik have accepted talks; Mainn will blog
- Red Hat Brno Dev Conference - Justin Clift, Jiri Stransky/Petr Blaho have accepted talks; Mainn will get talk info, blog pending confirmation of attendance
- Open Source Data Center Conference 2013 - Justin Clift has an accepted talk, needs to confirm budget
- Justin is creating a long term list of conferences for coming year
- Tomas and Matt have submitted proposals for RH Summit
- Mainn will blog upcoming end-of-Sprint review, chase presenters for screencasts and summaries
- Jirka will put screencast instructions up on wiki page
- Proposal and release template can be found at https://redmine.aeolusproject.org/redmine/projects/aeolus/wiki/Publicity_Cabal#Releases
- Tomas - release page should include short description of project
- Justin - better idea of releases in a week
- presentations from Brno - more forthcoming
- DevTools (Conductor on Ubuntu) - Mainn will ping Mike Orazi again
- Amazon EC2 Outage - Matt will blog about this
- Angus Thomas
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- FOSDEM/Red Hat Brno Dev Conference - additional details, links to proposals added by Justin
- Linux.conf.au - Andy sent details about accepted talk to Mainn, blog post created at http://blog.aeolusproject.org/aeolus-will-be-at-linux-conf-au-2013/
- TakeOff 2013 - budget approved, Jaromir will send details to conference organizers and to Mainn
- SCALE 11X - Richard Su submitted a proposal, should know by Dec 25th
Imagefactory integration with Openstack - Tomas wrote a blog post at http://blog.aeolusproject.org/building-openstack-images-with-image-factory/
Sprint 1, Nov 2012 - Jirka has created a screencast of his presentation, will create wiki page detailing how to do so
Presentations from Brno - Jirka has created videos of presentations, will send links to Mainn
Aeolus Release - Will need to focus on this and coordinate with Release Cabal in January
DevTools (Conductor on Ubuntu) - Mainn will ping Mike Orazi again
Red Hat Summit - proposal notes are on Matt's whiteboard, due at end of year
we will be meeting on Thursday, January 3rd, to avoid missing two weeks
try to have fresh blog content appear over holidays
- Angus Thomas
- Jaromir Coufal
- Francesco Vollero
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Andy Fitzsimon
- Justin Clift
- Matt Wagner
- Tomas Sedovic
- FOSDEM - proposals submitted, wait and see
- Red Hat Brno Dev Conference - proposals submitted, wait and see
- Linux.conf.au - Mainn will follow up with Andy/Dan about getting some information about their talk to publicize
- SCALE 11X - Richard Su may have submitted a proposal, check and see
- Red Hat Summit - proposal notes are on Matt's whiteboard, due at end of year
- Mainn will start tweeting
- discussed various ways of video-cizing the end-of-Sprint reviews; consensus around having a Google hangout with presenters post-review, which can be recorded. Mainn will talk to presenters about setting this up.
- talk to Website Cabal about separating out Sprint (and Release) blogs
- Presentations from Brno - Jirka sick today; follow upwith him to see if YouTube issues have been resolved
- Aeolus Release - Justin will coordinate with Release Cabal to see which specific components are being released, and. . .
- Debian and Aeolus - . . . pass this information on to the Debian developers
- DevTools (Conductor on Ubuntu) - Mainn will ping Mike Orazi again
- ImageFactory integration with OpenStack - Tomas will talk to Martyn Taylor about writing a blog post
- Francesco Vollero
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Tomas Sedovic
- FOSDEM - Tomas and Justin have already submitted proposals; Jaromir will be submitting a proposal about alchemy, Francesco about integrating Katello and Aeolus
- Red Hat Brno Dev Conference - Tomas and Petr Blaho/Jirka Stransky have submitted; Justin may hvae
- Linux.conf.au - Mainn will follow up with Andy/Dan about getting some information about their talk to publicize
- Red Hat Summit - proposal notes are on Matt's whiteboard
- TakeOff 2013 - Jaromir has a lightning talk about Alchemy accepted, waiting on budget approval
Sprints - We will blog about Sprints at the start and the end. Mainn will follow up with Angus and Mike about what is being planned for each Sprint
Presentations from Brno - length of videos an issue; Jirka will have this resolved
Aeolus Release - upstream release in mid-January; start promoting in the beginning of January. TIM and OpenStack integration are the big items
Release (Other) - follow up with Justin to see if other components have upcoming release dates; Jaromir mentions that Alchemy is intended to be released monthly, but currently has a blocker
DevTools (Conductor on Ubuntu) - Mainn will talk to Mike Orazi
JRuby - Tomas has some ideas, will work with Francesco
Twitter - start twittering more to publicize our blog posts: beginning/end of sprint, etc
- Angus Thomas
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Andy Fitzsimon
- Justin Clift
- Matt Wagner
- Francesco Vollero
- University talk in Brno - Jaromir will send materials and notes to Mainn; Mainn will write up a blog post
- FOSDEM - Francesco and Justin are preparing proposals. Look for the "FOSDEM 2013" entry at https://etherpad-aeolusproject.rhcloud.com/p/Aeolus_event_planning Other people are encouraged to submit proposals too.
- Red Hat Brno Dev Conference - Mainn and Justin will work on crafting an email for the community
- Linux.conf.au - Andy/Dan are invited to speak; will send notes for a blog post to Mainn, or blog about it themselves
- Red Hat Summit - Matt will send a proposal
- Debian and Aeolus - Justin will 'rattle a few trees'
- Presentations from Brno - Jirka and Mainn will work to coordinate blog posts with presentations and video; Matt will write up his notes for the wiki
- Aeolus Release - upstream release in January; will need to think about promotion cycle when date firms up
- Release (Other) - Justin will interrogate the Release Cabal regarding upcoming release dates for other Aeolus components
- DevTools (Conductor on Ubuntu) - Mainn will talk to Mike Orazi
- Angus Thomas
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Andy Fitzsimon
- Justin Clift
- Matt Wagner
- Tomas Sedovic
- Francesco Vollero
Justin and Tzu-Mainn agreed to share the responsibility. Tzu-Mainn will schedule the cabal meetings and manage the agenda. Justin will deal with issues relating to upcoming conferences etc..
- Mike has got dev-tools to the point where Conductor can run on Ubuntu.
- Jirka and Justin has continuing to work through the video from the Developer conference, preparing sections for upload to youtube.
- Jarda is preparing to present Aeolus to a group of university students in Prague this Friday (23rd)
- Francesco has received feature requests via twitter. The requesters should be invited to open github issues
- Angus will mail Nitesh to discuss closing down one of our two g+ accounts
- Justin reported that there are multiple events with Call For Papers deadlines in the coming weeks.
- A list of upcoming events has been assembled: http://etherpad-aeolusproject.rhcloud.com/p/Aeolus_event_planning
- Matt is curating a collection of presentation materials here: https://github.com/aeolusproject/aeolusproject.github.com/tree/master/docs/presentations/2012-nov-conference
- Angus Thomas
- Jaromir Coufal
- Jirka Tomasek
- Tzu-Mainn Chen
- Andy Fitzsimon
- Justin Clift
- We reviewed, and accepted the proposal for the regular items for discussion (see above)
- Angus proposed that:
- Participants attempt to come to each meeting prepared with items for "Our current activities" and "News from Elsewhere"
- We keep each meeting to 30 minutes
- We aim for clear assignments of a specific task to a specific person
- Angus proposed that this cabal should be open to anyone who wishes to attend, and does not require a formal membership list. The members are the people who show up.
- No formal vote was taken, nor definitive agreement reached.
- Advance notice of each meeting will go to the list. Last-minute notice, and general preparations etc. in #aeolus on Freenode
- We discussed the best way to maintain records for this cabal, along with presentations etc., without reaching a clear decision.
- We'll select an Awesome for this Cabal at the next meeting- Angus to arrange
- Angus will update this page with a list of the social network accounts which the project maintains
- Andy is contacting the organizers of the miniconf at http://linux.conf.au/ to propose a presentation on Aeolus
- Mainn, with Matt, is going to begin gathering the presentation materials that we currently have
- Justin is going to look for well-maintained lists of upcoming Cloud/OSS conferences