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tzumainn edited this page Feb 6, 2013 · 64 revisions

Publicity Cabal

Meetings and Agenda

Meetings are Tuesdays at 13:30 GMT. Anyone is invited to add additional topics to the Conference and Event or Additional Content etherpads and to attend the weekly meetings to discuss.

Our primary agenda concerns topics that are reaching fruition - upcoming releases or events, listed below. You can also view Completed Publicity Cabal Items.


Topic Next Relevant Date Comments To Do Contact
Loadays (Rome) April 6 - 7, 2013, Francesco Vollero has been invited to submit Wait to hear back Francesco Vollero
Codemotion (Rome) March 22 - 23, 2013, Michal Fojtik has been invited to speak Get details, blog Michal Fojtik
FOSDEM February 2 -3, 2013 Get presentations/trip reports from Martyn, Michal, and Tomas; then blog Justin Clift, Francesco Vollero
Red Hat Brno Developer Conference, 2013 February 23rd - 24th, 2013; The talks by Petr Blaho, Jiri Stransky and Justin Clift have been accepted Blog post created:; wait for conference Justin Clift, Tomas Sedovic
Open Source Data Center Conference 2013 April 17th - 18th, 2013; Justin Clift submitted a proposal, which has been accepted. Attendance confirmed, blog soon Justin Clift
Red Hat Summit Matt and Tomas has submitted a proposal Wait and see Matt Wagner, Tomas Sedovic


Topic Category Next Relevant Date Comments To Do Contact
Deltacloud 1.2 (?) Release mid-February Michal Fojtik says Deltacloud will have their own release page, which we can link to Blog about it when it happens Mainn Chen
ImageFactory ?? Release mid-January No formal release since 1.0, Ian McLeod thinks they should do another one; will talk about it with Steve Wait and see! Mainn Chen
Conductor Release Release mid-February Conductor Work with release cabal Justin Clift, Mainn Chen
Release Cabal Coordination Release mid-January Co-ordinate with release cabal on release cabal-sponsored releases Work together to create process for next release Steve Linabery, Mainn Chen
Sprint 1, January 2013 Sprint January 30th, 2013 end-of-Sprint delayed
Presentations from Brno Content Winged Monkey/Aeolus on Heat blog posts created Jirka has one more in the pipeline Jirka Tomasek, Mainn Chen Content Francesco invited to write an article about Aeolus Francesco Vollero
DevTools (Conductor on Ubuntu) Release Now Crag is working on an update for this Should be available in next end-of-Sprint demo Crag Wolfe, Mike Orazi, Mainn Chen
Debian and Aeolus Content Being worked on by Hideki Yamane (henrich at debian dot org), mailing list at Justin will work with release cabal to figure out versions of components being released, and point the Debian guys at them Justin Clift
JRuby Content Create content; Francesco Vollero will work with Tomas Sedovic Tomas Sedovic

Conferences and Events

In order to participate in a conference or event, you must first confirm the expense with your manager; or confirm that you will handle travel expenses yourself.

Once participation in an event is confirmed, we will publicize the following:

  • Acceptance
  • Pre-conference reminder
  • Post-conference report

Upcoming events we are looking at are listed here:


As a product approaches release, we will create a release page on the website (see for a template).

Initially, the page will provide a high-level view - a short and easily digestable summary of what to expect from the release. This page and summary will be publicized. In the following days, we will add detailed looks at features in the release - walkthroughs, use cases, technical documentation, etc. This information will come from the developers (and from the end-of-Sprint videos), and be organized on the release page by the publicity cabal. Updates will be publicized in chunks.

Finally, once the release is out the door, we will update the release page to include information on how to obtain the release. This will also be publicized.

This etherpad tracks general release date notes:


For each sprint, we will:

  • Publicize the end of the sprint

End-of-sprint presenters are expected to make screencasts, if appropriate. Instructions can be found here:

Publicity will consist of blog posts and Tweets.

Additional Content

This etherpad tracks additional topics that we would like to talk about:

Other Items for Discussion

  • Our current activities
  • News from elsewhere
  • Present Assets
  • AOB

Social Media

State of our set of social media outlets. We will determine what kind of content gets pushed where.

Here are instructions on how to manage our internally hosted social media:


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