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eggmaster edited this page Jan 17, 2013 · 19 revisions

Release Cabal

On this page the Release ommittee will report about the meetings’ agenda and the actions taken. Meetings usually recur on Thursdays in #aeolus-meeting on freenode at 16:00 CET.

We use MeetBot to collect the logs and minutes of our meetings. In case of troubles, the instructions to setup an instance of MeetBot are here

16 November 2012 / #aeolus-meeting on freenode at 15:00 CET


  • Wrap up on the current status of art
  • Decide on our officially supported platform for upcoming release
  • Define some ‘recurring’ date for our next meetings


21 November 2012 / #aeolus-meeting on freenode at 15:00 CET


  • Review the existing install docs and look for improvements
  • How to put together some user guide


29 November 2012 / #aeolus-meeting on freenode at 16:00 CET


  • Release schedule
  • shall dev-tools require root credentials?
  • giulivo’s proposal for the user guide to split it into three sections: 1. install deltacloud-core ; 2. install imagefactory ; 3. install conductor via dev-tools using rbenv
  • do we want to require a real RDBMS for a real release?

Followed up items from previous meetings


6 December 2012 / #aeolus-meeting on freenode at 16:00 CET


  • shall we bundle templates with next release?
  • can we mandate all Aeolus project’s must send an email to aeolus-devel every time they do a new release?
  • Some projects do already (i.e Oz), some don’t (ie Bundler, ImageFactory).
  • Without release info somewhere, it’s very hard to tell which version of a project to use.
  • We should assign some people to the unclaimed action items from last weeks agenda.
  • SOP draft needs documentation completed around release procedures (the work, in progress, of this cabal)

Followed up items from previous meetings

  • Release schedule
  • Justin invited Crag to next meeting. Crag will attend.
  • Justin is in early stage discussion with Hideki Yamane (debian-cloud guy) about the versions of Aeolus components being packaged. Has recommended using the packages from the soon-to-be-released version of Aeolus, but hasn’t heard back yet (will prob take a few days).
  • eggmaster confirmed with sloranz that imagefactory from source is in progress and expected functional/delivered early Jan
  • eggmaster emailed link to draft of SOP to cabal members privately for first round of review,


13 December 2012 / #aeolus-meeting on freenode at 16:00 CET


Followed up items from previous meetings


20 December 2012 / #aeolus-meeting on freenode at 16:00 CET



10 January 2013 / #aeolus-meeting on freenode at 16:00 CET


  • check in where people are at with release related stuff
  • can we assume imgfac and deltacloud will also provide a ‘release branch’ ?
  • someone needs to take some steps to have audrey installed by dev-tools!
  • do we agree on using dev-tools as a single bootstrap script for the whole aeolus project, supposed to checkout and build all the components we develop from sources but not the deps? AND, is this good for end users?
  • work still required for minor release for 2012-December-1 sprint which just ended


17 January 2013 / #aeolus-meeting on freenode at 16:00 CET


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