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Mo Morsi edited this page Jan 8, 2013 · 4 revisions

Website Revamp Project

Although it doesn’t fit into any sprint, there’s some apparent interest in updating our website.

Concerns / Musings

  • Some of the information is out of date

  • The above makes me think that we need a way for developers to be able to update documentation.

    • But editing information on the wiki and trying to replicate it on the main site seems redundant and inefficient
  • Editing HAML locally, rebuilding it as HTML, testing, committing locally, formatting a patch and sending it to the mailing list for reviewing, and then trying to get someone to push it to the live site is a big enough burden that I really don’t want to update information on the site. It should be easy.

  • It would be swell if the main site and Redmine used the same layout and navigation, though this may not be feasible.

  • Do we need the ‘Forum’ or ‘Gantt’ tabs in Redmine? Does anyone use the Roadmap?

  • Having a blog to share news would be awesome, rather than manually updating our News page.

  • Might we be able to run this on OpenShift?

  • Each project should have a page explaining what it is. ostensibly provides this, but it’d be nice to fill out more and make each a homepage / sub-site / landing page or something of the sort.


  • Stick with the static layout we have now, but create a script for pushing updates.
  • Use a CMS
    • Could we just use Redmine for this in some manner, but make the site look like a real website and not a Redmine installation?
    • Radiant, Refinery are Ruby-based CMSs
    • Wordpress is PHP-based, but seems like a good option. I don’t think we should get hung up on language.
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