Thanks for another great plugin! This isn't a big issue, but could cause people to trip up.
I Added two new event types to the default list, one called "Event-Type (New)" and another "Event-Type (New 2)".
These are not shown on the calendar [ux_event_fullcalendar types="Event-Type (New),Event-Type (New2),Diversity Event"], even when explicitly added to the "types" shortcode attribute.
Removing the "types" attribute to show all events results in no events being shown.
Rather than added two new event types, I have renamed the Workshop and Conference types to "Event New" and "Event New2". These are now shown.
The special characters "-" and "()" seem to cause issues, but any new Event Types added to the default list do not appear.
Please let me know if I can help with any testing or additional info.
WP 6.5.2, Civi 5.69.4, PHP8.1.
Agileware Ref: WPCIVIUX-146