thank's for this plug-in
The membership shortcode is very useful to provide some information to front end users.
The [ux_membership_status] indeed return the members status for most of the built-in statut.
However when the statut is "pending", "expired", "canceled" and "deceased", the shortcode do not return anything.
I understand that this is tied to the Civicrm membership statut propeties "member -> Yes/No".
However despite the contact/members are not considered as member (anymore) whithin civi, it seems counter intuitive not to return to the front end user his actual status. Indeed, the front end user do not (need to) know about Civi behaviour, yet knowing that his membership has expired is critical. Indeed a page where the statut is empty lack the critical informations that prevent unnecessary questioning :
- am I still a member or not ?
- is my membership under processing ?
- is my membership expired ?
- etc.
What matters here is what information will be provided to the user, and what behaviour it may induce.
I advocate that the lack of data/information produce un-certainity, which is counter productive, while an actual information is guidefull, thus productive.
Thus why not return the membership of the front end user anyhow ?
In the same vein, some contact/user have never been members, some may become, some none.
In this case the membership shortcode do not return anything, which is understandable, but not optimal. Again in a front en user friendly perspective, I would advocate that the shortcode should return "no membership found".
This actually applies not only to member statut shortcode but all member related shortcode.