diff --git a/AAH2html.ahk b/AAH2html.ahk
index 5f0acf4..32ae966 100644
--- a/AAH2html.ahk
+++ b/AAH2html.ahk
@@ -43,29 +43,67 @@ FileRead, Input, README.md
Entries := []
Sections := []
+SectionHierarchy := []
+EntriesNEW := []
+Section2Name := "_EMPTY_"
+Section3Name := "_EMPTY_"
+Section4Name := "_EMPTY_"
for each, Line in StrSplit(Input, "`n", "`r")
- if RegExMatch(Line, "^##\s+(.*)$", Match) ; New section
+ if RegExMatch(Line, "^##") ; New section
- if (Entries.MaxIndex()) ; Previous section done, so go ahead and write the page
+ if RegExMatch(Line, "^##\s+(.*)\s*$", Match) ; New level 2 section - starting with ##
+ {
+ if (Entries.MaxIndex()) ; Previous section done, so go ahead and write the page
+ {
+ FileOpen(Section2Name ".html", "w").Write(RenderPage(Section2Name, Entries))
+ Sections.Insert({URL: Section2Name ".html", Name: Section2Name}) ; Show in the index page
+ Entries := []
+ }
+ Section2Name := Match1
+ SectionHierarchy[Section2Name] := []
+ Section3Name := "_EMPTY_"
+ Section4Name := "_EMPTY_"
+ }
+ else if RegExMatch(Line, "^###\s+(.*)\s*$", Match) ; New level 3 section - starting with ###
+ {
+ Section3Name := Match1
+ Section4Name := "_EMPTY_"
+ if !(SectionHierarchy.HasKey(Section2Name))
+ SectionHierarchy[Section2Name] := []
+ SectionHierarchy[Section2Name][Section3Name] := []
+ }
+ else if RegExMatch(Line, "^####\s+(.*)\s*$", Match) ; New level 4 section - starting with ####
- FileOpen(SectionName ".html", "w").Write(RenderPage(SectionName, Entries))
- Sections.Insert({URL: SectionName ".html", Name: SectionName}) ; Show in the index page
- Entries := []
+ Section4Name := Match1
+ if !(SectionHierarchy[Section2Name].HasKey(Section3Name))
+ SectionHierarchy[Section2Name][Section3Name] := []
+ SectionHierarchy[Section2Name][Section3Name][Section4Name] := []
- SectionName := Match1
else if RegExMatch(Line, "^\* \[(?P.+?)\]\((?P[^)]+)\)(?: by (?P[^\-]+?))?(?: - (?P.+))?$", Match)
MatchDesc := RegExReplace(MatchDesc, "\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)", "$1")
Entries.Insert({URL:MatchUrl, Name:MatchName, Desc:MatchDesc})
+ if !(SectionHierarchy[Section2Name].HasKey(Section3Name))
+ SectionHierarchy[Section2Name][Section3Name] := []
+ if !(SectionHierarchy[Section2Name][Section3Name].HasKey(Section4Name))
+ SectionHierarchy[Section2Name][Section3Name][Section4Name] := []
+ SectionHierarchy[Section2Name][Section3Name][Section4Name].Insert(MatchName)
+ EntriesNEW[MatchName] := []
+ EntriesNEW[MatchName].Insert({URL:MatchUrl, Name:MatchName, Desc:MatchDesc})
; Fill in the last section
if (Entries.MaxIndex())
- FileOpen(SectionName ".html", "w").Write(RenderPage(SectionName, Entries))
+ FileOpen(Section2Name ".html", "w").Write(RenderPage(SectionName, Entries))
Sections.Insert({URL: SectionName ".html", Name: SectionName})
Entries := []