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airbyte_destination_mysql Resource - terraform-provider-airbyte
DestinationMysql Resource

airbyte_destination_mysql (Resource)

DestinationMysql Resource

Example Usage

resource "airbyte_destination_mysql" "my_destination_mysql" {
  configuration = {
    database            = "...my_database..."
    disable_type_dedupe = false
    host                = "...my_host..."
    jdbc_url_params     = "...my_jdbc_url_params..."
    password            = "...my_password..."
    port                = 3306
    raw_data_schema     = "...my_raw_data_schema..."
    ssl                 = true
    tunnel_method = {
      no_tunnel = {
        # ...
    username = "...my_username..."
  definition_id = "04cd57d1-121b-4002-bf3f-1761521783b6"
  name          = "...my_name..."
  workspace_id  = "3c1b00ad-b0b5-47bb-93e0-65f72a419a35"



  • configuration (Attributes) (see below for nested schema)
  • name (String) Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance.
  • workspace_id (String)


  • definition_id (String) The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. Requires replacement if changed.


  • created_at (Number)
  • destination_id (String)
  • destination_type (String)
  • resource_allocation (Attributes) actor or actor definition specific resource requirements. if default is set, these are the requirements that should be set for ALL jobs run for this actor definition. it is overriden by the job type specific configurations. if not set, the platform will use defaults. these values will be overriden by configuration at the connection level. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for configuration


  • database (String) Name of the database.
  • host (String) Hostname of the database.
  • username (String) Username to use to access the database.


  • disable_type_dedupe (Boolean) Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other metadata columns will remain the same in future versions. Default: false
  • jdbc_url_params (String) Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3).
  • password (String, Sensitive) Password associated with the username.
  • port (Number) Port of the database. Default: 3306
  • raw_data_schema (String) The database to write raw tables into
  • ssl (Boolean) Encrypt data using SSL. Default: true
  • tunnel_method (Attributes) Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for configuration.tunnel_method


Nested Schema for configuration.tunnel_method.no_tunnel

Nested Schema for configuration.tunnel_method.password_authentication


  • tunnel_host (String) Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound ssh tunnel.
  • tunnel_user (String) OS-level username for logging into the jump server host
  • tunnel_user_password (String, Sensitive) OS-level password for logging into the jump server host


  • tunnel_port (Number) Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh connections. Default: 22

Nested Schema for configuration.tunnel_method.ssh_key_authentication


  • ssh_key (String, Sensitive) OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )
  • tunnel_host (String) Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound ssh tunnel.
  • tunnel_user (String) OS-level username for logging into the jump server host.


  • tunnel_port (Number) Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh connections. Default: 22

Nested Schema for resource_allocation


Nested Schema for resource_allocation.default


  • cpu_limit (String)
  • cpu_request (String)
  • ephemeral_storage_limit (String)
  • ephemeral_storage_request (String)
  • memory_limit (String)
  • memory_request (String)

Nested Schema for resource_allocation.job_specific


  • job_type (String) enum that describes the different types of jobs that the platform runs. must be one of ["get_spec", "check_connection", "discover_schema", "sync", "reset_connection", "connection_updater", "replicate"]
  • resource_requirements (Attributes) optional resource requirements to run workers (blank for unbounded allocations) (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for resource_allocation.job_specific.resource_requirements


  • cpu_limit (String)
  • cpu_request (String)
  • ephemeral_storage_limit (String)
  • ephemeral_storage_request (String)
  • memory_limit (String)
  • memory_request (String)


Import is supported using the following syntax:

terraform import airbyte_destination_mysql.my_airbyte_destination_mysql ""