It seems as if there is an out-of-the-box compatibility issue with Ajv2020
instances of ajv.
When trying to apply the ajv-merge-patch
keywords, I get...
Error: can't resolve reference from id # at Object.code (/Users/[redacted]/node_modules/ajv/dist/vocabularies/core/ref.js:21:19) at ...
...which looks like is related to code in /keywords/add_keyword.js
of this repo where this metaschema is referenced.
Code to reproduce...
import Ajv2020 from 'ajv/dist/2020.js';
import ajvMergePatch from 'ajv-merge-patch';
const ajv = new Ajv2020();
I was able to workaround with the following...
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import Ajv2020 from 'ajv/dist/2020.js';
import ajvMergePatch from 'ajv-merge-patch';
const ajv = new Ajv2020();
// required by ajv-merge-patch
const draft7MetaUrl = new URL('../node_modules/ajv/dist/refs/json-schema-draft-07.json', import.meta.url);
const draft7MetaSchema = JSON.parse(readFileSync(draft7MetaUrl, 'utf8'));
...but figured I would open issue here to raise visibility.
I know that ajv
itself indicates there is no cross-compatibility between draft-2020-12 and draft-07 schema within same ajv
instance, however this does seems to work. At a minimum, I would find it unexpected that a developer using only draft-2020-12 (or draft-2019 for that matter) schemas within their application and wanting to leverage this extension would get such breakage, with reference to a schema they are not even using.