Certain songs not playing - returned url by google API is not correct / incorrect format #6
Splitting this one off of the other issue.
2023-08-27T19:08:07.408Z INFO { kind: 'youtube#searchResult', etag: 'm1U7P4FmX0SmtMReYv4ntpUCRVA', id: { kind: 'youtube#video', videoId: '2GADx4Hy-Gg' }, snippet: { publishedAt: '2013-09-16T13:00:35Z', channelId: 'UC1SqP7_RfOC9Jf9L_GRHANg', title: 'Avicii - You Make Me (Official)', description: "Listen to Avicii's latest single “SOS” here: https://Avicii.lnk.to/SOS.", thumbnails: { default: [Object], medium: [Object], high: [Object] }, channelTitle: 'AviciiOfficialVEVO', liveBroadcastContent: 'none', publishTime: '2013-09-16T13:00:35Z' }, videoId: '2GADx4Hy-Gg' }
Leads to:
mimeType: 'audio/webm; codecs="opus"', qualityLabel: null, bitrate: 144812, audioBitrate: 160, itag: 251, initRange: { start: '0', end: '265' }, indexRange: { start: '266', end: '670' }, lastModified: '1574706181940362', contentLength: '3711890', quality: 'tiny', projectionType: 'RECTANGULAR', averageBitrate: 128761, audioQuality: 'AUDIO_QUALITY_MEDIUM', approxDurationMs: '230621', audioSampleRate: '48000', audioChannels: 2, loudnessDb: 5.0132666, url: 'https://rr2---sn-p5qs7nsk.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1693184887&ei=F5_rZL7WG4rh8wT_nLGIBA&ip=', hasVideo: false, hasAudio: true, container: 'webm', codecs: 'opus', videoCodec: null, audioCodec: 'opus', isLive: false, isHLS: false, isDashMPD: false
2023-08-27T19:08:07.408Z INFO { kind: 'youtube#searchResult', etag: 'm1U7P4FmX0SmtMReYv4ntpUCRVA', id: { kind: 'youtube#video', videoId: '2GADx4Hy-Gg' }, snippet: { publishedAt: '2013-09-16T13:00:35Z', channelId: 'UC1SqP7_RfOC9Jf9L_GRHANg', title: 'Avicii - You Make Me (Official)', description: "Listen to Avicii's latest single “SOS” here: https://Avicii.lnk.to/SOS.", thumbnails: { default: [Object], medium: [Object], high: [Object] }, channelTitle: 'AviciiOfficialVEVO', liveBroadcastContent: 'none', publishTime: '2013-09-16T13:00:35Z' }, videoId: '2GADx4Hy-Gg' }
Leads to:
mimeType: 'audio/webm; codecs="opus"', qualityLabel: null, bitrate: 144812, audioBitrate: 160, itag: 251, initRange: { start: '0', end: '265' }, indexRange: { start: '266', end: '670' }, lastModified: '1574706181940362', contentLength: '3711890', quality: 'tiny', projectionType: 'RECTANGULAR', averageBitrate: 128761, audioQuality: 'AUDIO_QUALITY_MEDIUM', approxDurationMs: '230621', audioSampleRate: '48000', audioChannels: 2, loudnessDb: 5.0132666, url: 'https://rr2---sn-p5qs7nsk.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1693184887&ei=F5_rZL7WG4rh8wT_nLGIBA&ip=', hasVideo: false, hasAudio: true, container: 'webm', codecs: 'opus', videoCodec: null, audioCodec: 'opus', isLive: false, isHLS: false, isDashMPD: false
It's however not playing all content. Some songs work fine, others do not, and when inspecting the logs:
Working song:
2023-06-23T15:36:24.093Z 57899906-6ec6-4221-b9ee-0134fe4095fe INFO { mimeType: 'audio/webm; codecs="opus"', qualityLabel: null, bitrate: 142160, audioBitrate: 160, itag: 251, initRange: { start: '0', end: '265' }, indexRange: { start: '266', end: '653' }, lastModified: '1685999978500351', contentLength: '3778546', quality: 'tiny', projectionType: 'RECTANGULAR', averageBitrate: 134598, audioQuality: 'AUDIO_QUALITY_MEDIUM', approxDurationMs: '224581', audioSampleRate: '48000', audioChannels: 2, loudnessDb: 0.10999966, url: 'https://rr3---sn-p5qlsny6.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1687556182&ei=9ruVZODOM4zn8wSxyLioDA&ip=', hasVideo: false, hasAudio: true, container: 'webm', codecs: 'opus', videoCodec: null, audioCodec: 'opus', isLive: false, isHLS: false, isDashMPD: false }
Not working song:
2023-06-23T15:50:35.789Z 6c9f11dd-43f1-4deb-9fab-b52a5f632a61 INFO { mimeType: 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2"', qualityLabel: '720p', bitrate: 377577, audioBitrate: 192, itag: 22, width: 1280, height: 720, lastModified: '1681982993805470', quality: 'hd720', fps: 25, projectionType: 'RECTANGULAR', audioQuality: 'AUDIO_QUALITY_MEDIUM', approxDurationMs: '8179948', audioSampleRate: '44100', audioChannels: 2, url: 'https://rr2---sn-p5qlsnrr.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1687557034&ei=Sr-VZL6tMIOb8wS4w7bgBg&ip=', hasVideo: true, hasAudio: true, container: 'mp4', codecs: 'avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2', videoCodec: 'avc1.64001F', audioCodec: 'mp4a.40.2', isLive: false, isHLS: false, isDashMPD: false }
It seems that the URL returned is not correct? When trying to access it using browser, the first one works, but I get a 403 on the second one. Permission denied, why?