Thank you for your interest in contributing to our Bouazzi Maghribi project! Follow these simple steps to get started.
- Download and install Glyphs App from the official website. You will need this to edit our font files.
- Fork and clone the repository. If you're not sure how to do this, GitHub has a great guide.
- Look for issues labeled 'Help Wanted' or 'Good First Issue.' These are great starting points if you're new to the project.
- Comment on the issue to let us know you're interested in it. We'll assign it to you as soon as possible.
- Open the font file(s) in Glyphs App.
- Make your changes. Be sure to update anything that might have been affected by your work, such as spacing or kerning.
- Export the font files to check them in the Glyphs App preview and/or in your design software of choice.
- If everything seems to be in order, commit your changes.
- Push your commits to your fork.
- Open a pull request. Describe your changes and reference the issue that your work relates to.
- Wait for the maintainers to review your changes. If everything is okay, they will merge your request. If not, they will provide feedback on what needs to be changed.
Remember, the goal of this project is to produce a high-quality font that can be used freely by the community. Let's work together to make this a reality! Happy contributing!