Describe the bug
Log4j2 升级到 2.23.1版本后,Nacos 会导致 Log4j2 日志输出异常:
2024-05-15T09:51:31.358800400Z main WARN The use of package scanning to locate plugins is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
2024-05-15T09:51:31.359776400Z main WARN The use of package scanning to locate plugins is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
2024-05-15T09:51:31.360752300Z main WARN The use of package scanning to locate plugins is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
2024-05-15T09:51:31.360752300Z main WARN The use of package scanning to locate plugins is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
2024-05-15T09:51:31.375392700Z main WARN No Root logger was configured, creating default ERROR-level Root logger with Console appender
是不是 Nacos 与 Log4j2 不够兼容导致的?
后,则不报异常警告了。或者Log4j2 回退到 2.22.1版本后也正常。
Expected behavior
Actually behavior
How to Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- 升级到log4j2-2.23.1
- 启动nacos应用程序
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: [e.g. win10]
- SDK [e.g. original, spring-cloud-alibaba-nacos, dubbo]