在过去的近三年里,Nacos 2.X版本经历了显著的演进,致力于提供更高的性能、拓展型、稳定性和安全性。与1.X版本相比,2.X版本在各方面展现出了卓越的优势。
我们注意到,Nacos 1.X版本已进入维护的尾声阶段,过去两年仅对严重Bug和安全漏洞进行了修复。为了更好地专注于Nacos 2.X及后续版本的优化与发展,我们希望在Nacos 3.0正式发布之际,正式归档Nacos 1.X版本,并将其标记为EoL(End of Life),即不再进行更新和维护。
Nacos 维护团队
Dear Community Members,
In the past nearly three years, the Nacos 2.X version has undergone significant evolution, focusing on delivering higher performance, stability, and security. Compared to the 1.X version, the 2.X version exhibits outstanding advantages in various aspects.
We have noticed that the Nacos 1.X version has entered its maintenance twilight phase, with only critical bug fixes and security vulnerabilities addressed in the past two years. In order to better focus on the optimization and development of Nacos 2.X and future versions, we plan to officially archive the Nacos 1.X version and mark it as EoL (End of Life) at the time of the official release of Nacos 3.0, meaning it will no longer receive updates or maintenance.
We sincerely invite community members to participate in the discussion and share your opinions and suggestions. You can vote and discuss by replying with emojis or comments in this ISSUE. We value every user's feedback and hope that through everyone's collaboration, we can continue to advance the Nacos project.
Thank you for your support and participation!
The Nacos Maintenance Team