Describe the bug
I set up global lazy init in springboot application builder and run it.
code like this: new SpringApplicationBuilder(TestWebApp.class).lazyInitialization(true).run(args);
but I find nacos call org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory#getBeansOfType(java.lang.Class<T>, boolean, boolean)
method at,
the getBeansOfType method init all beans,and it take a long time.
Expected behavior
nacos can follow the @Lazy
Actually behavior
nacos get all beans, then all beans init.
How to Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- create a springboot application
- set up global lazy init
- run it
- see the CPU profile, you can see nacos take a long time to process beans.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Macos 15
- Version [nacos-spring-context 1.1.1]
- Module [config]
- SDK [nacos]
Additional context
there are two CPU profile html file to compare with global lazy and no lazy.