Describe the bug
如果我的远程配置文件在修改配置时,不小心在key前面加了空格,会导致客户端这里不间断的打config changed的日志。
If my remote configuration file accidentally adds a space in front of the key when modifying the configuration, it will cause the client to continuously type config changed logs.
Expected behavior
期望可以有明确的提示,是配置的问题,或者处理这个空格。而不是打config changed日志,不好排查。
It is expected that there can be a clear prompt, which is a configuration problem, or how to deal with this blank space. Instead of logging 'config changed', it is not easy to check.
Actually behavior
不间断的打config changed日志。
Continuously log config changed.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- Version nacos-server 1.3.2, nacos-client 1.4.3
- SDK spring-cloud-alibaba-nacos