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File metadata and controls

104 lines (70 loc) · 2.6 KB


Using Vuejs 3 | Typescript

Loader showing skeleton view while data is being loaded to improve UX.

  • easy to used
  <SkeletonShape type="text" animation="fade-in" />
  • build your own skeleton
  <SkeletonCard animation="wave" />
  <SkeletonUser animation="fade-in" />

Alt text


Install easy-skeleton-loader-vue with :

  • npm
  npm install easy-skeleton-loader-vue --save
  • yarn
 yarn add easy-skeleton-loader-vue


  • import styles.css in your App.vue
import 'easy-skeleton-loader-vue/styles.css';

now you can use the skeleton

  • Using 'easy-skeleton-loader-vue' in your .vue file
<script setup lang="ts">
import { SkeletonShape } from 'easy-skeleton-loader-vue'

  <SkeletonShape type="avatar" animation="wave" />
  <SkeletonShape type="button" animation="fade-in" />
  <SkeletonShape type="text" animation="fade-in" />
  <SkeletonShape type="input" animation="fade-in" />

This would give u a diff. shapes :

Alt text


Contributions are always welcome!

you can share your custom shape, you can refactor code, you can fix bugs by

Creating A Pull Request

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/FeatureName)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature description')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/FeatureName)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Prop Type Default Options Description
width number, string '100%' The is the width of the loader, and can be either a number or string. This property would be overridden if the size props is set
height number, string 16px The is the height of the loader, and can be either a number or string. This property would be overridden if the size props is set
type string 'text' text, button, avatar, input This is the type of the loader. It could be circle or rectangle shaped
animation string 'fade-in' fade-in, wave The animation to be applied to the loader
radius number 12 This is used to determine the border radius of the loader
count number 1 This is used to determine the number of the loader

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