- Kubernetes Deployment Strategy Explained
- Empowering Developers with Kubernetes Deployments
- Tips To Harden Your Kubernetes Security
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- Who is the winner — Comparing Vector, Fluent Bit, Fluentd performance
- Why Linkerd doesn't use Envoy
- Service Mesh Ultimate Guide - Second Edition: Next Generation Microservices Development
- Grafana Alerting vs AlertManager: A Comparison of Two Leading Monitoring Tools
- 18 Kubernetes Metrics to Monitor for Optimal Cluster Performance
- [Kubernetes Operator for Multi-clusters Usage Tracking, Analytics and Accounting)(https://itnext.io/kubernetes-operator-for-multi-clusters-usage-tracking-analytics-and-accounting-dd69c14bdd38)
- Federating Prometheus Effectively
- Popeye — A Kubernetes Cluster Sanitizer 🐩
scans live Kubernetes cluster and reports potential issues with deployed resources and configurations
- Kubernetes NGINX Ingress: 10 Useful Configuration Options 🐤
nginx ingress tutorial
- How to tackle Kubernetes observability challenges with Pixie
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Spark on Kubernetes in 2022
migrated all Spark jobs from spark2 on Yarn To Spark 3 on kubernetes
Running Apache Spark on Kubernetes
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a distributed and cloud native NoSQL database
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- 4 Must-Have Open Source Solutions for Object Storage 🍷
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