Hi @alloy and @jonathanpenn, I am having a trouble understanding an use of different contexts and how to make a persistent save. By default it is using Context.main
to do initialize an Entity
and used as saving. but in the example Recipe, this way it prevents to save in a persistent data storage.
for example,
(main)> => "this is from main")
=> <Recipe: 0xa181090> (entity: Recipe; id: 0xa17e720 <x-coredata:///Recipe/tEF6D2C4C-25D5-46BF-90FB-B2F3733FDC347> ; data: {
image = nil;
ingredients = (
instructions = nil;
name = "this is from main";
overview = nil;
prepTime = nil;
thumbnailImage = nil;
type = nil;
=> true
(main)> Recipe.all.to_a.count
=> 2
(main)> exit
#re open the app
(main)> Recipe.all.to_a.count
=> 1
but when I use Context.root
(main)> context = MotionData::Context.root
=> #<MotionData::Context:0x956eba0>
(nil)? recipe = Recipe.newInContext(context)
=> <Recipe: 0xa94e590> (entity: Recipe; id: 0xa94e5d0 <x-coredata:///Recipe/tD58E5327-A318-4A42-83B3-74BFAEF73CA67> ; data: {
image = nil;
ingredients = (
instructions = nil;
name = nil;
overview = nil;
prepTime = nil;
thumbnailImage = nil;
type = nil;
(main)> = "this is from root"
=> "this is from root"
=> true
(main)> Recipe.all.to_a.count
=> 2
(main)> exit
#exit an app and reopen it
(main)> Recipe.all.to_a.count
=> 2
By default, I would expect .new
to create an in an context that can be saved in persistent storage, thus Context.root
not Context.main
or Context.current
so should new
be like this?
#from lib/motion_data/managed_object.rb#28
def new(properties = nil)
newInContext(Context.root, properties)
I might be misunderstanding the use of Context.root
and Context.main
, in fact I don't know the difference.
so a question is, should it be using Context.root
instead of Context.main
at ManagedObject#new
, and if it needs to use Context.main
, then how can you do saving in a persistent way?
thanks for your comment.