/quote-stock-b-api Stock Query API
The query API uses HTTPS protocol, the complete URL is:
Each time a query request is sent, the method name and token information need to be provided
Single product request K-line example:
Batch product request K-line example:
Note: When making batch product requests for K-line, the request parameters should be placed in the body.
Request for latest transaction price example:
Request for latest market depth example:
For specific calling methods, please refer to the HTTP interface list
/quote-b-api Forex, Cryptocurrency (Digital Currency), Commodity (Precious Metal) Query API
The query API uses HTTPS protocol, the complete URL is:
Each time a query request is sent, the method name and token information need to be provided
Single product request K-line example: https://quote.alltick.io/quote-b-api/kline?token=yourToken&query=queryData
Batch product request K-line example:
Note: When making batch product requests for K-line, the request parameters should be placed in the body.
Request for latest transaction price example: https://quote.alltick.io/quote-b-api/trade-tick?token=yourToken&query=queryData
Request for latest market depth example: https://quote.alltick.io/quote-b-api/depth-tick?token=yourToken&query=queryData
For specific calling methods, please refer to the HTTP interface list