Server Info (please complete the following information):
- OS: Debian 11
- Browser: Edge
- RMM Version (as shown in top left of web UI): 0.10.4
Installation Method:
- Standard
- Docker
Agent Info (please complete the following information):
- Agent version (as shown in the 'Summary' tab of the agent from web UI): 1.7.1
- Agent OS: Windows 10
Describe the bug
I send a message to the user via a powershell script. Here, special characters of the German language are not displayed correctly.
This is the content of the script I created. If I run it directly on the computer in Powershell, it displays correctly.
msg * "Dieser Computer wird in 5 Minuten neugestartet. Bitte speichern Sie alle Ihre offenen Dokumente und schließen Sie alle geöffneten Anwendungen."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 300 ; Restart-Computer -Force