Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues and checked the recent builds/commits
What would your feature do ?
As a user, I want to customize the default display state of the extra networks panel(s) so that I do not have to repeat UI configuration by hand. Specifically, I prefer extra networks be display as subdirs, and would thus like the option to set this as a default.
Current Modes:
- Card Display
- Subfolder / Split Display
Proposed workflow
- Go to extra networks (checkpoints || lora || TA || ...)
- Click on Settings gear
- Select default mode from dropdown: one of [SubDir Tree, Card]
- Press Save icon
- Refresh
- Go to extra networks (checkpoints || lora || TA || ...) again
- Extra networks are displayed in subdir tree format
Additional information
In addition, a configurable default to control whether the subDir tree is display as a split (tree + cards), or unsplit (tree only). Would be nice. This streamlines workflows for those who do utilize file path sub-dirs as keywords.