As I was working on re-implementing the existing JsonNet
converters for System.Text.Json
I realized that there is no validation happening anywhere inside the UnitsNetIQuantityJsonConverter
regarding the existence of the Unit
. Enum.Parse(..)
is perfectly fine with accepting a number, representing a potentially invalid value (w.r.t. to what we currently support in the switch statements).
public void UnitsNetIQuantityJsonConverter_AcceptsNumericInputs_WithoutValidation()
var json = "{ \"unit\": \"PowerUnit.-1\", \"Value\": 10.3654}";
IQuantity result;
using(var stringReader = new StringReader(json))
using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(stringReader))
result = _sut.ReadJson(jsonReader, typeof(IQuantity), null, false, JsonSerializer.CreateDefault());
Assert.Equal(10.3654, ((Power)result).Value);
Assert.Equal((PowerUnit)(-1), ((Power)result).Unit);
So there are several questions here (we don't have to do these for JsonNet
, but we have to make our mind about it for System.Text
) :
- Do we want to validate the existence of the unit?
- Do we want to accept numeric inputs after the
and do we want to include an option to toggle this (there is one for theStringEnumConverter
)? - If the answer to 2) is "No", then what do you think about replacing the current format
. These two currently represent the same thing, only the second one would be much faster to serialize (as we don't re-construct the enum-string every time), however this would be a breaking change for anyone who may be using custom quantities where theUnitInfo.Name
is not the same as theUnitInfo.Value.Name
(my guess is that's a very small number of people, if any..) - If the answer to 3_) is
orOk, let's make two versions
then we can tag another option to consider: do we want to supportcase-insensitive matching
(this could work with both the unit type and name: "powerunit.watt").
I currently have three types extending JsonConverter<TUnit>
, tell me if you'd rather have another configuration:
: this one I've currently annotated as[Obsolete("Replaced by the UnitTypeAndNameConverter")]
: this is the proposed option 3)AbbreviatedUnitConverter<TUnit>
: nothing much to talk about here..
Also, what do you think about the project structure for these: so far I just have one project named UnitsNet.Serialization.SystemTextJson
but if you want, we could have each schema in a separate project, but that would like require an additional common project for the shared bits.