After bumping community.general to 10.4.0 from 10.3.1, a community.general.keycloak_client
task started failing the idempotency check in my molecule tests (playbook is run a second time expecting no tasks with changes)
Issue Type
Bug Report
Component Name
Ansible Version
$ ansible --version
ansible [core 2.16.14]
config file = /Users/giovanni.toraldo/src/alfresco/alfresco-ansible-deployment/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/Users/giovanni.toraldo/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /Users/giovanni.toraldo/.virtualenvs/alfresco-ansible-deployment-bsC9-Jms/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /Users/giovanni.toraldo/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /Users/giovanni.toraldo/.virtualenvs/alfresco-ansible-deployment-bsC9-Jms/bin/ansible
python version = 3.11.11 (main, Jan 20 2025, 10:59:42) [Clang 16.0.0 (clang-1600.0.26.4)] (/Users/giovanni.toraldo/.virtualenvs/alfresco-ansible-deployment-bsC9-Jms/bin/python)
jinja version = 3.1.5
libyaml = True
Community.general Version
$ ansible-galaxy collection list community.general
# /Users/giovanni.toraldo/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections
Collection Version
----------------- -------
community.general 10.4.0
$ ansible-config dump --only-changed
OS / Environment
No response
Steps to Reproduce
- name: Configure basic alfresco client
auth_client_id: admin-cli
auth_keycloak_url: "http://localhost:{{ identity_keycloak_http_port }}{{ identity_keycloak_http_relative_path }}" # pragma: allowlist secret
auth_realm: master
auth_username: "{{ identity_admin_username }}"
auth_password: "{{ identity_admin_password }}"
realm: "{{ identity_default_realm_id }}"
client_id: "{{ identity_default_client_id }}"
enabled: true
implicit_flow_enabled: "{{ identity_default_client_implicit_flow_enabled }}"
redirect_uris: "{{ identity_known_urls | map('regex_replace', '(.+)', '\\1/*') | list }}"
web_origins: "{{ identity_known_urls }}"
state: present
code is used in an open source role
Expected Results
Task should yield no changes if run a second time without changes
Actual Results
CRITICAL Idempotence test failed because of the following tasks:
* => ../roles/identity : Configure basic alfresco client
Code of Conduct
- I agree to follow the Ansible Code of Conduct