I want to clone a template which resides in cluster A, to create a VM that resides in cluster B. Both clusters are in the same datacenter. It's not working.
In the below example:
- "debian10" is the name of the template that resides in cluster A and is hosted on host 1.
holds the desired cluster B for the new cloned machineesxi_hostname
holds the desired hostname for the new cloned machine- I understand that
are mutually-exclusive and should not both be specified.
The vmware_guest docs say "From version 2.8 onwards, absolute path to virtual machine or template can be used." But regardless of whether I specify cluster
or esxi_hostname
, and regardless of whether I specify just the template name (debian10) or the full path to the template (as obtained from vcommunity.vmware.vmware_vm_info, in my case this is /Engineering/vm/JenkinsCICD/debian10), I get this error:
13:32:53 TASK [Create New Machine in vSphere from Debian 10 Template, Power On for further Provisioning] ***
13:32:54 fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false
13:32:54 msg: 'Failed to create a virtual machine : Unable to access the virtual machine configuration: Unable to access file [bsienghost4:Local] debian10/debian10.vmtx'
To be clear, the VM gets cloned successfully, if:
- in this project, I use
cluster: A
and let it create the clone in the same cluster. (this is NOT the desired location, however) - in another project I have which does the exact same thing, except that it can create the clone in the same cluster as the template, and so it specifies
with no problem.
For these reasons, I do not believe this issue to be related to permissions, and DO believe the issue to be with vmware_guest making some poor assumptions under the hood about clusters when cloning templates.
Here is the task in question:
- name: Create New Machine in vSphere from Debian 10 Template, Power On for further Provisioning
hostname: "{{ vcenter_host }}"
datacenter: "{{ datacenter }}"
# cluster: "{{ cluster }}"
esxi_hostname: "{{ esxi_hostname }}"
folder: "{{ folder }}"
# template: "debian10"
template: "{{ all_templates_info.virtual_machines[template_indices|int].folder }}/{{ vmtemplate }}"
# template: "{{ all_templates_info.virtual_machines[template_indices|int].moid }}"
name: "{{ new_machine_name }}"
state: powered-on
annotation: "{{ new_machine_description }}"
wait_for_ip_address: yes
register: new_vm
delegate_to: localhost
I have also tried looking up and specifying the uuid or moid for the template, but this doesn't work either. The docs, and the code that looks up a vm or template imply that template
must be a name.
and here is the vvvverbose output from this task, in the case where I specified esxi_hostname
and not cluster
13:39:51 fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false
13:39:51 invocation:
13:39:51 module_args:
13:39:51 advanced_settings: []
13:39:51 annotation: Debian 10 (Buster) based software development VM created in vSphere for tim-black
13:39:51 cdrom: []
13:39:51 cluster: null
13:39:51 convert: null
13:39:51 customization:
13:39:51 autologon: null
13:39:51 autologoncount: null
13:39:51 dns_servers: null
13:39:51 dns_suffix: null
13:39:51 domain: null
13:39:51 domainadmin: null
13:39:51 domainadminpassword: null
13:39:51 existing_vm: null
13:39:51 fullname: null
13:39:51 hostname: null
13:39:51 hwclockUTC: null
13:39:51 joindomain: null
13:39:51 joinworkgroup: null
13:39:51 orgname: null
13:39:51 password: null
13:39:51 productid: null
13:39:51 runonce: null
13:39:51 timezone: null
13:39:51 customization_spec: null
13:39:51 customvalues: []
13:39:51 datacenter: Engineering
13:39:51 datastore: null
13:39:51 delete_from_inventory: false
13:39:51 disk: []
13:39:51 esxi_hostname: ********
13:39:51 folder: Personal Development Environments
13:39:51 force: false
13:39:51 guest_id: null
13:39:51 hardware:
13:39:51 boot_firmware: null
13:39:51 cpu_limit: null
13:39:51 cpu_reservation: null
13:39:51 hotadd_cpu: null
13:39:51 hotadd_memory: null
13:39:51 hotremove_cpu: null
13:39:51 max_connections: null
13:39:51 mem_limit: null
13:39:51 mem_reservation: null
13:39:51 memory_mb: null
13:39:51 memory_reservation_lock: null
13:39:51 nested_virt: null
13:39:51 num_cpu_cores_per_socket: null
13:39:51 num_cpus: null
13:39:51 scsi: null
13:39:51 version: null
13:39:51 virt_based_security: null
13:39:51 hostname: ********
13:39:51 is_template: false
13:39:51 linked_clone: false
13:39:51 name: tim-black-buster
13:39:51 name_match: first
13:39:51 networks: []
13:39:51 port: 443
13:39:51 proxy_host: null
13:39:51 proxy_port: null
13:39:51 resource_pool: null
13:39:51 snapshot_src: null
13:39:51 state: powered-on
13:39:51 state_change_timeout: 0
13:39:51 template: /Engineering/vm/JenkinsCICD/debian10
13:39:51 use_instance_uuid: false
13:39:51 username: ********
13:39:51 uuid: null
13:39:51 validate_certs: false
13:39:51 vapp_properties: []
13:39:51 wait_for_customization: false
13:39:51 wait_for_customization_timeout: 3600
13:39:51 wait_for_ip_address: true
13:39:51 wait_for_ip_address_timeout: 300
13:39:51 msg: 'Failed to create a virtual machine : Unable to access the virtual machine configuration: Unable to access file [bsienghost4:Local] debian10/debian10.vmtx'
- Bug Report
vmware_guest, module_utils (get_vm_or_template)
13:39:35 + ansible --version
13:39:35 ansible 2.10.8
13:39:35 config file = /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg
13:39:35 configured module search path = ['/home/jenkins/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
13:39:35 ansible python module location = /home/jenkins/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/envs/Ansible-vsphere-d-SWOPS-869/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible
13:39:35 executable location = /home/jenkins/.pyenv/versions/Ansible-vsphere-d-SWOPS-869/bin/ansible
13:39:35 python version = 3.9.0 (default, Mar 9 2021, 12:09:04) [GCC 8.3.0]
13:39:35 + ansible-config dump --only-changed
13:39:36 ANSIBLE_PIPELINING(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = True
13:39:36 ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
13:39:36 COLLECTIONS_PATHS(env: ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH) = ['/home/jenkins/.ansible/collections/Ansible-vsphere-d-SWOPS-869']
13:39:36 DEFAULT_CALLBACK_WHITELIST(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = ['yaml', 'timer', 'counter_enabled', 'junit', 'log_plays']
13:39:36 DEFAULT_FORKS(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = 20
13:39:36 DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = True
13:39:36 DEFAULT_LOAD_CALLBACK_PLUGINS(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = True
13:39:36 DEFAULT_LOG_PATH(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.log
13:39:36 DEFAULT_MANAGED_STR(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = #Ansible managed by user {uid} on {host} from template file:
13:39:36 DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = 5
13:39:36 DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = ansible
13:39:36 DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH(env: ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH) = ['/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/roles', '/home/jenkins/.ansible/roles/Ansible-vsphere-d-SWOPS-869']
13:39:36 DEFAULT_STDOUT_CALLBACK(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = yaml
13:39:36 HOST_KEY_CHECKING(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = False
13:39:36 INTERPRETER_PYTHON(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = auto
13:39:36 RETRY_FILES_ENABLED(/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg) = False
Debian 10.5 host, Debian 10.9.0 guests. Jenkins pipeline. Python 3.9.0
13:39:35 + ansible --version
13:39:35 ansible 2.10.8
13:39:35 config file = /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/support-for-customizing-disk-and/ansible/projects/vsphere-development-environment/ansible.cfg
13:39:35 configured module search path = ['/home/jenkins/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
13:39:35 ansible python module location = /home/jenkins/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/envs/Ansible-vsphere-d-SWOPS-869/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible
13:39:35 executable location = /home/jenkins/.pyenv/versions/Ansible-vsphere-d-SWOPS-869/bin/ansible
13:39:35 python version = 3.9.0 (default, Mar 9 2021, 12:09:04) [GCC 8.3.0]
13:39:35 + pip list
13:39:35 Package Version
13:39:35 ---------------------------------- ------------------
13:39:35 ansible 2.10.0
13:39:35 ansible-base 2.10.8
13:39:35 certifi 2020.12.5
13:39:35 cffi 1.14.5
13:39:35 chardet 4.0.0
13:39:35 cryptography 3.4.7
13:39:35 idna 2.10
13:39:35 Jinja2 2.11.3
13:39:35 junit-xml 1.9
13:39:35 lxml 4.6.3
13:39:35 MarkupSafe 1.1.1
13:39:35 nsx-policy-python-sdk
13:39:35 nsx-python-sdk
13:39:35 nsx-vmc-aws-integration-python-sdk
13:39:35 nsx-vmc-policy-python-sdk
13:39:35 packaging 20.9
13:39:35 pip 21.0.1
13:39:35 pycparser 2.20
13:39:35 pyOpenSSL 20.0.1
13:39:35 pyparsing 2.4.7
13:39:35 pyvmomi 7.0.1
13:39:35 PyYAML 5.4.1
13:39:35 requests 2.25.1
13:39:35 setuptools 49.2.1
13:39:35 six 1.15.0
13:39:35 suds-jurko 0.6
13:39:35 urllib3 1.26.4
13:39:35 vapi-client-bindings 3.5.0
13:39:35 vapi-common-client 2.19.0
13:39:35 vapi-runtime 2.19.0
13:39:35 vmc-client-bindings 1.29.0
13:39:35 vmc-draas-client-bindings 1.13.0
13:39:35 vSphere-Automation-SDK 1.39.0
I expect this vmware_guest task to be able to clone template in cluster A onto a host on another cluster B.