From a recent reddit post asking users to evaluate the new tables using the following two links: and
I sometimes need to use a screen reader and access these docs using lynx. Here are a few observations :-
When I browse to either link with lynx I get a "bad HTML" message.
It renders anyway but the warning possibly ought to be fixed. I suggest you validate here:- against the wc3 standards.
I also tried with links and that didn't display an error.
Next test was actually using the page with a screen reader. It was a bit of a problem because the text structure inside the tables is very confusing when read aloud.
Lastly and this one is really minor, the little 'permalink' symbol you use for linking doesn't have a character in the font on my terminal so it renders as a ? in a box.
When I bring the page up in Firefox and use the screen reader, for some reason the tables don't get read out at all. I get told which cell of the table I am in but not what the content is.