With a local automation hub and collection version 2.0.6 + PR 386 using the following with the needed namespace created earlier the publish role works on the first run but fails on the second run:
- collection_name: myllynen.rhel_ansible_roles
version: v1.8.0
- collection_name: myllynen.rhel_image
version: v1.3.1
TASK [infra.ah_configuration.publish : Publish Collection | Wait for finish the publish creation] **********
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Publish Collection | Wait for finish the publish creation (45 retries left).
failed: [localhost] (item={'failed': 0, 'started': 1, 'finished': 0, 'ansible_job_id': 'j587721783571.6249', 'results_file': '/home/admin/.ansible_async/j587721783571.6249', 'changed': False, '__ah_collection_file': '/var/tmp/myllynen.rhel_ansible_roles/myllynen-rhel_ansible_roles-1.8.0.tar.gz', 'ansible_loop_var': '__ah_collection_file'}) =>
__ah_collection_file: /var/tmp/myllynen.rhel_ansible_roles/myllynen-rhel_ansible_roles-1.8.0.tar.gz
ansible_job_id: j587721783571.6249
ansible_loop_var: __ah_collection_file
changed: false
failed: 0
finished: 0
results_file: /home/admin/.ansible_async/j587721783571.6249
started: 1
ansible_job_id: j587721783571.6249
ansible_loop_var: __publish_job_async_result_item
attempts: 7
changed: false
finished: 1
msg: |-
Upload of collection failed: insert or update on table "core_contentartifact" violates foreign key constraint "core_contentartifact_artifact_id_f5d9a66b_fk_core_artifact__id"
DETAIL: Key (artifact_id)=(018f9551-4b04-79eb-a59a-d0ed441adcab) is not present in table "core_artifact".
results_file: /home/admin/.ansible_async/j587721783571.6249
started: 1
stderr: ''
stderr_lines: <omitted>
stdout: ''
stdout_lines: <omitted>
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Publish Collection | Wait for finish the publish creation (50 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Publish Collection | Wait for finish the publish creation (1 retries left).
failed: [localhost] (item={'failed': 0, 'started': 1, 'finished': 0, 'ansible_job_id': 'j92391990330.6269', 'results_file': '/home/admin/.ansible_async/j92391990330.6269', 'changed': False, '__ah_collection_file': '/var/tmp/myllynen.rhel_image/myllynen-rhel_image-1.3.1.tar.gz', 'ansible_loop_var': '__ah_collection_file'}) =>
__ah_collection_file: /var/tmp/myllynen.rhel_image/myllynen-rhel_image-1.3.1.tar.gz
ansible_job_id: j92391990330.6269
ansible_loop_var: __ah_collection_file
changed: false
failed: 0
finished: 0
results_file: /home/admin/.ansible_async/j92391990330.6269
started: 1
ansible_job_id: j92391990330.6269
ansible_loop_var: __publish_job_async_result_item
attempts: 50
changed: false
finished: 0
results_file: /home/admin/.ansible_async/j92391990330.6269
started: 1
stderr: ''
stderr_lines: <omitted>
stdout: ''
stdout_lines: <omitted>
Looks like the role does not detect that the collection version already exist and then needlessly clones it, builds it, and tries to upload it. This causes issues with CaC/GitOps where ideally there could be only one yml file listing collections and collections could be updated individually as new versions become available. Thanks.