- host_metric command
- gather_automation_controller_billing_data command
- gather_automation_controller_billing_data command extension Adding ability to run without "since specified", collecting any gap automatically.
- gather_automation_controller_billing_data command extension Adding ability to read AWS params required for provider billing.
- adding METRICS_UTILITY_SHIP_TARGET="directory", so the billing data will be stored in a provided directory in daily partitions
- adding build_report command that can build .xlsx reports locally
- adding proxy support for gather_automation_controller_billing_data command
- adding crc service account support for gather_automation_controller_billing_data command
- change local storage schema from year={year}/month={month}/day={day} to /{year}/{month}/{day}
- Take ansible_host and ansible_connection from host variables, use ansible_host instead of host_name if it's present for the CCSP(and other) reports
- Adding CCSPv2 reports
- Both CCSP and CCSPv2 reports are getting extra sheets with additional usage stats
- Fix tar.extractall call on older python version missing a filter arg
- Fix return codes
- Adding RENEWAL_GUIDANCE reports having host fact based dedup and detection of ephemeral hosts
- removing obsolete host_metric command
- adding organization usage details into CCSPv2 report
- adding job usage details into CCSPv2 report
- make CCSPv2 report generated sheets configurable, to be able to use it as a report for AAP historical usage
- allow arbitrary date range selection for the CCSPv2 report
- introducing S3 adapter for CCSP types of reports
- relax boto3 requirement so it builds with any version available