Invalid CSS when using Button wrapped with Popover and layer enabled #195
I use Next.js with antd
and @ant-design/nextjs-registry
<AntdRegistry layer>
<Popover title="smth" content="smth" trigger="click">
internally wraps everything in StyleProvider
and uses extractStyle
. I've noticed that whenever Popover is wrapping a button on any page, extractStyle
returns an invalid CSS. Here's an example:
.css-var-R2cq.ant-popover {
--ant-popover-title-min-width: 177px;
--ant-popover-z-index-popup: 1030;
--ant-popover-arrow-shadow-width: 8.970562748477143px;
--ant-popover-arrow-path: path('M 0 8 A 4 4 0 0 0 2.82842712474619 6.82842712474619 L 6.585786437626905 3.0710678118654755 A 2 2 0 0 1 9.414213562373096 3.0710678118654755 L 13.17157287525381 6.82842712474619 A 4 4 0 0 0 16 8 Z');
--ant-popover-arrow-polygon: polygon(1.6568542494923806px 100%, 50% 1.6568542494923806px, 14.34314575050762px 100%, 1.6568542494923806px 100%);
--ant-popover-arrow-offset-horizontal: 12px;
--ant-popover-arrow-offset-vertical: 8px;
--ant-popover-inner-padding: 12px;
--ant-popover-title-margin-bottom: 8px;
--ant-popover-title-padding: 0px;
--ant-popover-title-border-bottom: none;
--ant-popover-inner-content-padding: 0px;
@layer antd@layer antd { /* Here's the problem it includes "@layer antd" twice */
.ant-progress { /* I have Progress component in a different place on that page */
font-family: var(--ant-font-family);
font-size: var(--ant-font-size);
box-sizing: border-box;
@Kiyumi-v reproduced the problem here ant-design/ant-design#49853 (comment) (you might find more details about the issue there).
So far, the workaround is to copy the AntdRegistry
component and modify the extracted styles not to include duplication of @layer antd@layer antd
and replace with one @layer antd
const AntdRegistry: FC<AntdRegistryProps> = (props) => {
const [cache] = useState(() => createCache());
const inserted = useRef(false);
useServerInsertedHTML(() => {
let styleText = extractStyle(cache, { plain: true });
if (inserted.current) {
return null;
inserted.current = true;
+ styleText = styleText.replaceAll(/@layer antd@layer antd/g, '@layer antd');
return (
// to make sure this style is inserted before Ant Design's style generated by client
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: styleText }}
return <StyleProvider {...props} cache={cache} />;
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