Releases: ant-media/Ant-Media-Server
Releases · ant-media/Ant-Media-Server
Ant Media Server Community 1.7.1 (May 27, 2019)
- %40 Performance Improvement in WebRTC Streams #1130, #1147, #1068
- View Logs on Web Panel #100
- Licence Control for Enterprise Edition #762
- Web Panel Improvements #1057, #1059, #1055, #437
- REST API method to get all system stats #907
- Optimize Memory Operations in WebRTC native side #971
- Better error handling for stream fetching #955
- Enable/Disable stats update to data stores #1131
- Built-in Apache Kafka Producer for monitoring nodes #1164
- Reliability: Create unique host and port for cluster nodes #1215, #1214
- Bug fix: MP4 rotation in SFU mode #825
- Bug fix: Sudden Connection Drop #978
- Bug fix: Cluster Edge-Origin Reconnect #1106
- Bug fix: Stop WebRTC streams through REST Stop Method #1160
- Bug fix: Stream Sources Deleting #1272
- Bug fix: Stream stop does not stop immediately in edge #1257
Ant Media Server Community 1.7.0 (May 19, 2019)
- %40 Performance Improvement in WebRTC Streams #1130, #1147, #1068
- View Logs on Web Panel #100
- Licence Control for Enterprise Edition #762
- Web Panel Improvements #1057, #1059, #1055, #437
- REST API method to get all system stats #907
- Optimize Memory Operations in WebRTC native side #971
- Better error handling for stream fetching #955
- Enable/Disable stats update to data stores #1131
- Built-in Apache Kafka Producer for monitoring nodes #1164
- Reliability: Create unique host and port for cluster nodes #1215, #1214
- Bug fix: MP4 rotation in SFU mode #825
- Bug fix: Sudden Connection Drop #978
- Bug fix: Cluster Edge-Origin Reconnect #1106
- Bug fix: Stop WebRTC streams through REST Stop Method #1160
Ant Media Server Community 1.6.2 (March 25, 2019)
Improvements and Changes
- Rest Filtering based on IP Address #361
- Update embedded tomcat version to 8.5.38 #520
- Configure WebRTC port-ranges for both publishing/playing #884
- Auto renew SSL certificates before time-out #523
- Add a rest method that accept user-assigned stream id #1007
- Make encoder settings configurable #826
- Receive build number from Root app, instead of LiveApp/WebRTCAppEE #957
- Vod section add download button #776
- Secret based streams authorization without rest api calls #717
- Websocket signaling ping/pong request #718
- Update ffmpeg, make it compatible with cuda javacpp version #769
- Add a rest method that accept user assigned stream id #1007
- Collect exceptions in the instances in order to have better quality #909
Fixes and Refactors
- HLS delete files in the edge nodes #853
- Collect previews from origin in the cluster #726
- WebRTC number of viewers is seen even if stream is not alive #824
- WebRTC embed code sometimes does not play automatically #799
- Some cases ICE Connection Fails #869
- WebRTC playing from edge with the same Id does not start after origin restart during the streaming #877
- High Idle load time after some rtsp operations #855
- Refactor on webrtc client stats graph #702
- Change Rest Service method(GET->POST) of Mp4Muxing for streams #798
- Inconsistency in stream number in dashboard #547
- Refactor on webrtc client stats graph #702
- WebRTCApp HLS preview doesn't work in Community Edition #1014
- Unique play.html #690
- Simultaneous Periscope accounts issue #802
Ant Media Server Community 1.6.1 (Jan 8, 2019)
Improvements and Changes
- Use GPU resources respectively in the system #663
- Transcoding is not enabled by default #734
- Inject app properties to the AppSettings bean in run time(No injection through xml is used anymore) #727
- Make Transcoder frame rate parametric through app properties file #664
- Unnecessary edge connection is starting up in some cases #662
- Forward video without transcoding for SFU #436
- Start to use auto -generated documentation for Rest Services #187
Ant Media Server Community 1.6.0 (Dec 17, 2018)
- Update native codes to WebRTC v69
- Optimize native byte usage in Java side
- SFU Support (EE) in WebRTC (Forwarding stream without transcoding with low latency)
- MP4/HLS Recording in SFU
- RTMP Pushing in SFU
- Show WebRTC Viewers Stats on Dashboard
- Rest API Documentation
- Improved Webhook support
- Enable/Disable MP4 Recording on Stream basis via Rest API
- WebRTC and AVC compatibility
- Bug fixes
Ant Media Server Community 1.5.2 (Nov 16, 2018)
- Session replication and improvements in clustering
- Improvements in Management Console
- Publishing WebRTC streams to Social and other RTMP endpoints
- Bug fixes
Ant Media Server Community (Oct 11, 2018)
- DB Based Clustering
- Autoscaling with DB Based Clustering
- Fetching audio streams from Shoutcast
- Bug fixes
Ant Media Server Community 1.5.0 (Sep 21, 2018)
- One-Time Token Control Services Added
- Object Detection Features Added
- Improvements & Compatibility on Web Panel
- Bug Fixes
Ant Media Server Community 1.4.1 (Aug 13, 2018)
- Video user experience in WebRTC is improved
- New websocket endpoint with http ports(5080, 5443), older websocket ports(8081, 8082) are deprecated
- Replay the same stream in same websocket issue is fixed.
- WebRTCApp is compatible almost for all browsers
- Fix the synch issue in some cases in WebRTCApp
- WebRTC streaming is scalable for Enterprise Edition
- Better performance for WebRTC streaming
- Improvements & Compatibility on Web Panel
Ant Media Server Community 1.4.0 (August 2, 2018)
- WebRTCApp is compatible almost for all browsers
- Fix the synch issue in some cases in WebRTCApp
- WebRTC streaming is scalable for Enterprise Edition
- Better performance for WebRTC streaming
- Improvements & Compatibility on Web Panel