Here is a parser rule with two different types of alternatives:
- with two numerical arguments
- with two logical arguments
logicalExpression returns [ LogicalExpression val ]:
l = number '>' r = number { $val = lt($ctx.r.val, $ctx.l.val); } # BinaryNumberOp
| l = number '>=' r = number { $val = le($ctx.r.val, $ctx.l.val); } # BinaryNumberOp
| l = number '<' r = number { $val = lt($ctx.l.val, $ctx.r.val); } # BinaryNumberOp
| l = number '<=' r = number { $val = le($ctx.l.val, $ctx.r.val); } # BinaryNumberOp
| l = number '==' r = number { $val = eq($ctx.l.val, $ctx.r.val); } # BinaryNumberOp
| l = logicalExpression '&&' r = logicalExpression { $val = and($ctx.l.val, $ctx.r.val); } # BinaryLogicalOp
| l = logicalExpression '||' r = logicalExpression { $val = or($ctx.l.val, $ctx.r.val); } # BinaryLogicalOp
Here is a fragment of code generated for one of alternatives.
((BinaryNumberOpContext)_localctx).l = number();
setState(60); match(T__5);
setState(61); ((BinaryNumberOpContext)_localctx).r = number();
((BinaryNumberOpContext)_localctx).val = lt(_localctx.r.val, _localctx.l.val);
The problem is that _localctx
in the lt(...)
function invocation is not converted to current local context type BinaryNumberOpContext
, so this code can't be compiled because base class (LogicalExpressionContext
) doesn't contain .r
and .l
I'm not sure if it is a bug, but it seems like in this situation _localctx
can be casted to current local context class without any problems.