Describe the bug
I pulled the latest Apache-AGE docker image which has the digest "89236bf7e801", and I try to connect to it, it shows me the error shown in the screenshots field.
To Reproduce
- clone the Viewer
- clone the latest Apache AGE image from docker hub
- run the Apache AGE image
- launch the viewer using "npm run start"
- then try to connect to the database hosted on the docker container
Expected behavior
Viewer connects to the database and retrieves the metadata, and show the existing graphs
- OS: windows 10
- Browser: Chrome
- Version: 115.0.5790.171
I cloned an older apache-age image with tag [v1.1.0], and with digest "4cbc8ad05877", and it works as expected but the also the create graph is not working, I have to add a graph by manually connect to the container and add it by myself