Can AGE Viewer highlight an edge according to its property?
For example, we have a starting vertex labeled "Person" with :
"id" : 12345 ,
"label" : "Person" ,
"properties" : { "key" : "value" }
An edge :
"id" : 12346 ,
"label" : "bought_product" ,
"start_id" : 12345 ,
"end_id" : 12347 ,
"properties" :
"times_bought" : 3
And then another vertex (which is the product a person bought) :
"id" : 12347 ,
"label" : "Product" ,
"properties" : { "type" : "Cheese Burger" }
So according to the "times_bought" property, we could show the edge in a more intense way or maybe in a different color in comparison to other edges where this "times_bought" property is of lesser value.