Issue Type
- Bug Report
- Feature Request
- Support Question
In my case:
When app runnig at first time after installation, callback into event listener on 'resume' event, doesn`t work.
In my code i added evnetListener on window.document, with params ('resume', onResume, false ) and in case witch is described above, callback onResume doesn`t work. Reproducibility of case is constant. Problem appeared only at Android 11, same code work correctly at Android with lower os version. IOS working correctly.
- Install app
- Launch app
- Hide(minimize) app
- Tap on app icon again
Result: callback doesnt work
You can repeat this case and there will be the same result while your app is on memory.
After unloading app from memory, and restart app problem dissapear.
When i change window.document.addEventListener('resume', ...) to window.document.onresume(...) - the problem continued.
Command or Code
const onResume = () => alert('resume event');
window.document.addEventListener('resume', onResume, false);
Environment, Platform, Device
Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra, 11 Android - working incorrect
Samsung Galaxy A52, 11 Android - working incorrect
Nokia TA-1053, 10 Android - working correct
Samsung Galasy s9, 10 Android - working correct
iPhone 11, IOS 12.1 - working correct
Version information
Android 11
Cordova 10.0.0
- I searched for already existing GitHub issues about this
- I updated all Cordova tooling to their most recent version
- I included all the necessary information above