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Issues: apache/hadoop

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HADOOP-17077. S3A delegation token binding to support secondary binding list enhancement fs/s3 changes related to hadoop-aws; submitter must declare test endpoint
#2083 opened Jun 18, 2020 by steveloughran Loading…
HADOOP-13611. S3A FS deleteOnExit to skip the exists check. fs/s3 changes related to hadoop-aws; submitter must declare test endpoint work in progress PRs still Work in Progress; reviews not expected but still welcome
#1924 opened Mar 30, 2020 by steveloughran Draft
HADOOP-16794. S3A reverts KMS encryption to the bucket's default KMS … bug fs/s3 changes related to hadoop-aws; submitter must declare test endpoint
#1875 opened Mar 4, 2020 by mukund-thakur Loading…
HADOOP-16848. Refactoring: initial layering fs/s3 changes related to hadoop-aws; submitter must declare test endpoint work in progress PRs still Work in Progress; reviews not expected but still welcome
#1839 opened Feb 9, 2020 by steveloughran Draft
HADOOP-11867: Add gather API to file system. enhancement fs/s3 changes related to hadoop-aws; submitter must declare test endpoint fs
#1830 opened Feb 3, 2020 by omalley Loading…
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